Clubsport DD+ Order from 09.11.2023

What a farce!!!

Today is January 17th and as expected, Fanatec is failing again at full length! no obligation to at least keep people informed! This club is a bunch of hypocrites, nothing more.

I regret ordering something from this company so much.

Fanatec is just embarrassing and a shame.

The main thing is to generate sales and deceive customers! In the end you can blame Sony!

You at Fanatec are solely to blame! How cheeky is it to put a product on pre-sale that isn't even licensed yet!

A bunch of hypocrites and fraudsters... and the CEO doesn't even have the balls to make a statement here! Simply don't respond to the emails, turn off telephone support and leave the stupid customers groping in the dark.

I'm not really allowed to write here what I want to tell you and complain about. I can only shake my head


  • Didn’t they say they hope to have an update by mid January? Take a breath man.

  • If we have luck we will get a mail the next morning that it will be prepared for shipping like my other order availability date 11, 12 mail that it will be shipped

  • Feel free to express your view on

    Im waiting since the end of october.

  • Take a breath? It's 5 weeks overdue and they lied to thousands of people about the product delays and licensing. You might be okay with a company holding $1100 of your money and collecting interest on it, but don't expect other people to be...

  • Maybe you shouldn't buy things on pre order, and especially things that are dependent on another company to approve the final release if you struggle to understand how release dates are decided upon.

    Unless you have evidence to the contrary, the only thing holding up the product being sent out is Sony's approval. How could Fanatec know Sony would delay?

  • How could Fanatec know that Sony work on their own schedule? By having launched at least 3 wheelbases with Playstation compatibility previously and seeing how Sony operates?

  • Clearly not placing a pre-order is the easiest solution!

    But!!! Why are goods offered here where it is not even clear whether they are licensed?

    Here's the mistake! When I pre-ordered, the delivery date was December 19th!

    If the fault lies with Sony then I have to say that Fanatec deliberately deceived me! As I said in my first post to generate sales..... You can twist and turn it however you want! I'm not the culprit here, but me and all the others who pre-ordered can sit through the shit that Fanatec produces

  • DramaEnjoyerDramaEnjoyer Member
    edited January 18

    It says the DD+ was subject to Sony final approval. Said it when WE ordered it. Inherent risk with placing a pre order. Don't like the risk, wait until it's in stock. I knew what I was getting into and I don't either work for Fanatec, Sony or own a crystal ball.

    Forum now on pre approval mode? That will surely make things better while putting no announcement out.

  • Whether impatient or not, this is only a consequence of the absolutely deficient communication that Fanatec practices. If they were to communicate clearly and openly as the status is,if there would be a functioning support and emails were answered, the whole drama and this frustrating dissatisfaction would not be to this extent. You should always keep this in mind when trying to criticize people who simply wanted to express their frustration. Where else should these people go? There is no point of contact that would address the problem.

  • If you can read then explain me what it means in the red corner!!!

    and this was shown as i ordered the DD+!!!

    They say they have to wait for Sony and on there HP they write "Officially licensed for PlayStation®5 consoles and PlayStation®4 consoles".


  • Future tense on the final point there. WILL work. Regardless, what it supports only matters once they're in our hands. Pointless arguing over if a product that's still not released is currently licensed.

  • Agree with almost everything you've said, except there is no Fanatec staff here. Only other customers trying to work out if/when we will get our products. Threatening and abusing other members of the public should never be tolerated, no matter how frustrated you are.

  • Someone knows the Shipper customer number from Fanatec by UPS?

    i hope getting some more infromations with the customer number!

    UPS shipment tracking using the reference number has been finding my order number since today... maybe there will be a bit of movement in the whole thing now....i hope so!

    I have to admit that I didn't read this part of the description! What doesn't change anything for me is that the first thing that caught my eye was that the product was licensed!

  • Are you marked as 10th, 17th or another date?

    Fingers crossed for you, and by extension the rest of us that the shipping number being recognised isn't just a fluke.

  • I was marked for the 17th......

  • Bad news!!!.... the reference number is the same as mine! But the destination is in the USA 😭😭😭😭

    my Destination is Germany ..... Sorry guys.... for a few hours i thougt this will get an happy end!


  • jamie Thackerjamie Thacker Member
    edited January 18

    Don't see how anyone can defend Fanatec here, they acknowledge they have warehousing issues through a new partner and have caused carnage with non and late deliveries. Their customer services dept are in free fall as a result. So to make matters worse in the midst of the carnage they launch a black Friday event lasting a week adding to their logistics mayhem and at the same time they launch a new flagship product which they cannot fulfil. They are in a mess of their own making and customers who have done nothing wrong, are not informed and are totally ignored. The whole world can see they are in a mess, and the silence from Fanatec is deafening. What would it have taken to send a courtesy email to customers in the last 24hrs updating us on the current state of the dd+. They have stuck their fingers in their ears, I'm just waiting for the next fanciful delivery date to be published. They are setting unrealistic customer expectations, for dec19 we were told the delay was shipping and therefore moved it by air, and we would receive by end of year so that is the customer expectation, they then state its Jan 17 due to sony, setting another customer expectation. don't publish a date unless you know sony will approve by that date or set expectations that can't be met. Its so amateurish.

  • Maybe Fanatec shouldn't state "officially licensed by Sony" in the DD+ page on their website when it isnt licensed. Remove Fanatecs shaft from your mouth and admit they blow harder than your mom....

  • For me, my friend, it's the same as for you, but the order is from December 17, 2023. I only hope that Fanatec will quickly solve its problems and stop cheating customers by sending e-mails with invented reasons blocking the shipment of equipment to us. And as compensation, they will add something to the package!

  • Well that last email from Fanatec was definitely too much!!!

    Even in this email, which doesn't actually tell us anything except that Fanatec itself has no idea what's next, they're trying to present themselves as a great company.

    Oh how great this product is... if this product was really that great then Sony would have approved it long ago.

    Be that as it may,

    I'm tired of these Fanatec games. For my part, I canceled my order and am now curious to see how long it will take for them to process it!

    If I don't get my money back in a maximum of 14 days, I'll go to my lawyer and hand this never-ending story over to him.

    I'm so disappointed with what this bunch has done here!

    I sold all my things in December. For what?

    Only to get screwed by Fanascam and make them work with my money.

    Other than “we apologize for the inconvenience” nothing came from this bunch.

    At least now I'm sitting here with a new Fanatec steering wheel including QR2 release and can examine it together with my V3 pedals.

    Since the return period has already expired, I can't even return the trash.

    @Thomas Jackermeier you are a failure who has no balls to stand up here and answer for the shit he has created.

    You can probably imagine the rest of what I think of you.

  • Greetings @LeonardoPuccio you are absolutely right, I don't know how we can gather a good group and sue or if this proceeds, but it really has been quite a fiasco, I also sold my equipment to move to this great failure, no company plays so much with its clients, it is unacceptable and I don't know why the authorities that defend the consumer have not said anything, FAnatec only says the same shit, apparently they do not have communication with Sony to tell them an exact date, Sony does not say anything either although they do not sell this product they should talk and tell us why. In short, there are thousands of us complaining and we only complain because it doesn't affect or bother them, the only ones who lose are us, we lose time and they don't, on the contrary, with those thousands of dollars they reinvest and can generate more sales of the failed product. without approval so only you and I lose Leonardo as well as all the other clients

    Saludos @LeonardoPuccio tienes toda la razón no se como podemos reunir un buen grupo y demandar o si esto procede, pero verdaderamente ha sido todo un fiasco yo también vendí mis equipos para moverme a este gran fracaso, ninguna compañía juega tanto con sus clientes, es inaceptable y no se porque las autoridades que defienden al consumidor no han dicho nada, FAnatec solo dice la misma mierda, al parecer no tienen comunicación con Sony para que les diga una fecha exacta, Sony no dice nada tampoco aunque ellos no venden este producto deberían hablar y decirnos el porqué. En definitiva somos miles quejándonos y solo nos quedamos en queja porque ni eso les afecta ni les molesta, total los únicos que perdemos somos nosotros, perdemos tiempo y ellos no, al contrario con esos miles de dólares reinvierten y pueden generar más ventas del fracasado producto sin aprobación así que solo perdemos tú y yo Leonardo al igual que todos los demás clientes

  • They are not going to send anything, you cannot see that at all times they are speaking lies and continue selling a product that they do not even know when it will be approved

    No van a enviar nada, no puedes ver que en todo momento están hablando mentiras y siguen vendiendo un producto que ni siquiera saben cuando será aprobado

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