Processing time problems

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I placed the order on January 14th, when I ordered everything appeared in stock (and now everything still appears in stock) but I still remained at the "The order is in process" stage.
I bought a csl dd 5Nm BMW with that separate upgrade for the brake and nothing more. I have seen many people who complain that their order was delayed even by months and I hope I am not among them, I have also seen people who said that they canceled the order and ordered again and now they have received more quick.
I don't know what to do, especially since no one from their team answers my emails.
I am waiting for opinions and suggestions from the most experienced, this being my first contact with this new world of simulators.
The ReadytoRace bundle requires a QR. So despite the fact that the bundle is listed as in stock, shipping in 4-7 days, if the QR you choose is not available, the bundle will not ship at all, until it is available.
In Europe the availability date is March 21st. If you are in America, there is no availability date yet. However, you shouldn't ask this here, customer service should respond to customers.
This company has become a real disaster. Their sales site is confusing, and this has been reported several times, and always ignored. Obviously people can't understand and try to contact customer service, who never responds. And the requests pile up.
They have never had a customer oriented culture, maybe they shouldn't sell their products directly, because they have no empathy and don't know how to deal with people. They make it clear to you in no uncertain terms that you must not disturb them.
if you live at uk it may take little longer because all kind off extra paper work
Thx for the response.
I live in Romania.
So if I want a whell i should wait until 21 march or buy it from another place?
I think so, I don't know what you selected. If you selected QR1lite free, I guess so.
In that case, you should cancel the order and redo the order by choosing the QR1 for €49.95 more.
The QR1 lite is absolute rubbish, unworthy of being sold to the public. QR1 is great for CSL DD.
But I don't work for Fanatec, I can't be sure that's the reason. It seems to me that Fanatec staff are inadequate to deal with order problems, so canceling and redoing the order may still be a quicker solution than waiting.
From what I understand QR1lite is mounted directly on the steering wheel, so people get an extra one, because Fanatec can't run its own e-commerce site. Keep in mind that such a company will not give you help if you need it. I hope they recover because I have a lot of their products, but today I would not recommend anyone to buy anything from Fanatec.
Has anyone had confirmation about the QR1 lite shipping issue?
I've ordered the CSL DD READY2RACE WRC BUNDLE FOR XBOX & PC and choose the 'free QR1 lite' as I've already got a QR1 so don't need to pay for another one and I'm certainly not willing to wait two months for my full order because a 'free' item is out of stock for two months!
Surely Fanatec won't hold full orders because an item is out of stock? The items are packaged separately so there is absolutely no reason to do that plus the way they're advertising the bundles would actually mean they're breaking consumer law (here in the UK/EU) so they'd need to be fulfilling the in stock items or they'll breach the 'bait advertising' consumer law.
The bundle I ordered clearly shows on their website as 'Ships within 4-7 days' and does not advise or have small print that states full orders won't be fulfilled if an item is out of stock.
The way I see it they've got three options here:
1, Fulfil the in stock items and ship the out of stock at a later date.
2, Give free upgrades to QR1 or QR2 lite
3, Not take full payment for an out of stock item or clearly state that items are not shipped unless all are in stock.
Personally I think Fanatec should bring forward the QR2 as standard, they've stated this is happening in 2024 or 2025 and it's 2024 now so step up Fanatec! The stock issue is Fanatec's problem not the customer so all they're doing is further aggravating customers and let's be honest here Fanatec are getting a serious beating on YouTube and review sites right now.
Feels like Fanatec have hit the self destruct button.
Nobody has confirmation on this matter, because Fanatec simply doesn't respond to customers, doesn't explain anything to anyone, and doesn't write anything on its site. Fanatec considers its customers a nuisance, and does little to hide it.
What I wrote, I repeated it, is just my guess. They will not send you a partial order, it has always been their policy, and they will not send you the wheel without any type of QR. So, as a consequence, your order will be postponed until the availability date of the QR1lite, if you chose that.
Then Fanatec simply doesn't seem to care much about laws or rules to protect the consumer.
But that's just my guess.
But the summary of all this "explanation" is that they don't answer you. They don't respond to customers. This is the crucial point that should alert you if you decide to buy anything from this company now. Not the waiting times, but the fact that whatever problem arises, they won't get back to you.
when i get my "CSL Steering Wheel P1 V2" then the QR little was mounted already to the steering wheel so its little hard to say if that is send separately
Exactly, but on Reddit many customers say that they are also receiving an additional separate QR1lite, therefore double. I assume that their site is not able to separate QR1lite for those steering wheels that already have it fitted as standard.
that issue could come from they new warehouse and they are not aware off this that qr1 little is already included in some devices
Starting this Jan I asked Fanatec sales if I can send my order without any QR wheelside because that time there was lack of availability of both - QR1 and QR2. They told me they cannot. So whenever QR is suggested to be added to your order you must do that no matter what.
Nevertheless, I received that reply after about 2 weeks. I was really disappointed it took them so much time to processs such a trivial question.
Now when I’m Fanatec customer already I’m really worried about my set when something breaks. I’ve already read lots of threads on this forum how poor customer service they provide. I can only have a hope that my set will work reliably as much and long as possible. I have a feeling I should keep my old Logitech G920 set just in case.
Finally I have to admit if Fanatec weren’t the only direct drive solution for Xbox series X at that pricing range (Logitech Pro is 3 times more expensive and there’s nothing more so far) I wouldn’t purchase their set because of having customer service out of any acceptable range. Now they’ve pretty much got monopoly at that area. But something changes on the market. Moza has just released new Xbox compatible wheel - Moza R3. I hope that fact will trigger Fanatec to improve their customer service .