Hi team,
Could u please let me know if the new qr bundle fits directly to any wheel of the Fanatec?
For example the https://fanatec.com/eu-en/qr2/qr2-bundle-type-c to the https://fanatec.com/eu-en/accessories/steering-wheel-accessories/clubsport-wheel-rim-classic-2
Or it needs an adapter or something?
you need hub aswell
Oh really?
It's the same if i use with an aftermaket wheel as well?
Yes because what youre buying is a qr2 kit 1 side for the base one for the wheel. you need a hub for the forcefeedback to work. If it says Rim its only the rim so you need the a hub aswell.
I have seen youtube videos with aftermarket wheels to fanatec bases without having a hub (buttons) working just fine.
they have then the podium hub. this hub have no buttons and cost 150 euro
Yeah propably it's because of the podium hub.
Why the podium doesn't come with the new qr2 though? https://fanatec.com/eu-en/steering-wheels/podium-hub
The system now it´s really confusing. The should make a system that everybody understands. So they must made a baseprice for the hub 100 euros and then add the qr to that price. so everbody unterstands if i need qr2 i pay 199,95 and if i need qr1 i pay 149,95. it´s not understandable that podium hub with qr2 costs 249 euros and you have a qr1 that you do not need.
Yes i totally agree on this 👍️