GT7 / FULL FORCE / Intelligent Telemetry Mode / QR2 Lite 15nm

in Gran Turismo
A few questions here
- Which sims support both Full force and ITM or any of the two ?
- Is it down to Polyphony to implement both FF and ITM ?
- Why was it stated originally by Fanatec that QR2 Lite only supports up to 8nm but now 15nm is supported for the DD+ Extreme ? Re- Boosted media review
- GT7 doesn't officially support the DD+ Extreme at the moment so how can you select the correct in-game settings in wheel profile page ?
Thanks, I heard that ACC supports ITM or FF , some say iracing does but I can't find that info
On PC ITM is supported by any game which is supported by FanaLab since years, that's nothing new.
FullForce is not supported by ANY game atm. iRacing will be the first one, followed by GT7 and ACC. Those are all titles which are confirmed.
Thanks Maurice
So given for now you'd have to select DD Pro profile setting and no full force yet, does this mean the full potential 15nm won't be used ? And I have no idea how you can measure how many NMs a sim is using ! How would this be measured ?
Does this mean for now the DD+ is essentially a DD Pro until FF is implemented ?
No. Full 15Nm are used even when GT DD Pro preset is selected.
What is "fullforce" ? and what does it add to the experience ?
Is it just additional vibrational effects through the wheel ?
Will fullforce be adjustable or optional to have on or off ?
Where can I find more info on Fullforce ?
FullForce is explained in the webshop description of the CS DD products and in the blog post related to it.
Thanks, I did have a look previously but didn't see the blog post.
ACC?! Will he also receive the update? I was thinking AC2