Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yeah I think it once happened when my base was just sitting on, idle for a long time. The bug is known to be there since the start but maybe driver 456 made it worse. Keep us posted.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    I'm testing since yesterday and this morning. My final result for CS DD (playtime 2-3 Hours):

    PC Driver: 455 , Base Firmware:, WQR:, Wheel F1 eSports V2

    RESULT: Freezes: 1, Works fine but my F1 eSports Wheel V2 will not recognized with this WQR Firmware when attached during booting. Freezing of F1 Wheel & Display very rare.

    PC Driver: 456 , Base Firmware:, WQR:, Wheel F1 eSports V2

    RESULT: Freezes: 8, No one game is playable for me, Freezing randomly but every day and often within one hour. My F1 Wheel will recognized alltime fine

    HYBRID | PC Driver: 455 , Base Firmware:, WQR:, Wheel F1 eSports V2

    RESULT: Freezes: 3, better, but still freezes. My F1 Wheel will recognized alltime fine

    Reverse HYBRID | PC Driver: 456 , Base Firmware:, WQR:, Wheel F1 eSports V2

    RESULT: Freezes: 1, much better, no freezes. My F1 eSports Wheel V2 will not recognized with this WQR Firmware when attached during booting.

    My final report: It's the WQR Firmware that caused the freezing bug!

    @Maurice Böschen : Please, keep recognizing the F1 V2 Wheel when the developers update the WQR Firmware. Thank you!

    My Observations:

    1) The idle time after turning on the Wheelbase appears to be responsible for the error occurring.

    2) It seems to occur particularly strongly on steering wheels with displays and LED strips.

    I hope I could help you!

    I'm now going back to 455 until the bugs are fixed.

  • edited February 2024

    Didn you maybe confused the FW versions here?

    There is no Base FW version or Only (which was included in 455) and (which is included in 456).

    Current plan is to build a new 456 revision where we roll back the Base FW to the one included in 455, so back to but leave the WQR FW with the new one from 456, so keeping the new FW.

    There is a possible fix available where the dev is very confident he found the "breakthrough" but that Firmware (which is btw a new QR Firmware as the root cause sits in there and the likeliness of the issue happening was just enhanced by the new Base FW due to some code changes) now will get tested intensively internally before we share it around Mid-March in driver 457.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    ah sorry yes. means and meand, will edit the text

    update: fixed the correct version numbers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Please try that on Xbox Series it works well in Forza Motorsport in the menus so that the f1 v2.5x steering wheel does not vibrate, thank you very much

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    I think it's no good idea to keeping the WQR Version on I'm now 100% sure that this causing the freezing more often. I have been testing for a lot of hours since yesterday. But it works great with recognizin of my F1 Wheel. But I'm ready for continue tests. You can send me the new beta then I would test it for fanatec.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I did originally but that brought its own issue , as it’s stands I have wheelbase back on the 455 and the wheel and QR on the 456 , I’ve no issue so far but I’ve only used for about 40 minutes

  • edited February 2024

    Decision is made. QR stays on to fix the steering wheel recognition issues on boot. The likeliness of wheel communication freezes after some time of driving or idle is not caused or increased by

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Then I'm looking forward to the solution. The base's firmware also communicates with the steering wheel, so there may well have been a connection that led to poorer communication with As said, I'm ready for internal tests before release until mid of march.

  • edited February 2024

    Yes, the base firmware does communicate with the QR and thats the reason we roll-back the Base FW as there was additional code added in which flooded the QR and then the QR shut-off. This additional code is not present in BUT more complex wheels (or the more features of a wheel get used like LEDs, Display, ITM, etc) can still cause the QR to shut-off with Base FW, just not as often as with the additional stuff from

    The proper fix will be in the QR though so even when the wheel sends loads of data (which is needed) that the QR then does not shut-off.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    That sounds very plausible! It corresponds well with my perceptions of the steering wheels and freezing. I'm looking forward for the (maybe) final solution. ^^ with new QR Version that blocks stack overflow would the problem fixed for all time as you say.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I confirm that with the WRC wheel the vibration also happens in Forza Motorsport and if you set everything to 100 in shape as it comes by default and the base at 100, you notice the vibration in the race also continuously and super exaggerated, to which you lower the The wheel shock absorber lowers the vibration to 1 in the race, it is not noticeable, and 0 is not noticeable in the menus. If you put an older version, please check this in Forza Motorsport and Xbox on all the wheels, I tried the F1 one and the wrc

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Mid March 🤨 unbelievable

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    Yes, it's hard, but we should give the guys the time they need to create a driver that works. The important thing is that we now know what is causing the problem and I am confident that it will solved next time. It is also difficult for developers to find bugs that are difficult to reproduce. The developers also need our reports and experiences to isolate the error. This is usually always the case with a new product.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I’d rather them test it thoroughly internally and get the bug fixed already.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited February 2024

    good workaorund for driver 456 is (when you don't want downgrade) to close or deinstalling Fanalab and if possible, disable all ingame display infos for steering wheel, or just using steering wheel without displays and leds (like podium wheel r300). This seems to have helped me. I installed 456 again to test this and within 1 hours no freezes actually.

  • I’m running the 455 wheelbase firmware with the 456 WQR firmware and the 456 Wheel firmware on the dd+ with the extreme wheel , I had it idle for one hour and then I’ve just raced for 1 1/2 hours and I’ve had no issue at all other than the rev light on menus to stay yellow 1/4 up the gauge ,

    With this combination it’s the 1st time that the rev display has been yellow,orange and red as the revs build too , previously it had just been blue …

    Another thing I noticed was that if I turned the wheelbase on 1st without the ps5 powered on only the red light would come on and nothing else , not even able to cycle the compatibility modes or the tuning menu,

  • definitly the base firmware. I downgrade it to the 455 and keep te rest updated. No problems at al

    so downgrade the base to the firmware 2.0..0.4

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description I think. This is what happens when companies put too many decimal points in software version numbers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    That's called "Semantic Versioning" and it follows a clear structured pattern, widely used in the software industry.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited March 2024

    who cares? fix those damn drivers, that stuff what happens right now is so big question mark for me. because how is that even possible happen to million euro company

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I was basically joking about the versioning numbers because everyone was mistyping them. Just killing time while waiting for the drivers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I had Software problems with my mercedes too and had wait over 6 months for new software that fixed the bugs. Each new product has issues, and if you want a product without issue then you have to wait some months or buying older products.

  • Anyone else having issues with their dd+ on PS5 while playing gt7 when the base/wheel suddenly stop vibrating/ffb? The wheel turns fine but there's no resistance at all. I have had this happen twice with drivers 456. The wheel/base works fine on Xbox. I m using dd+ w/ McLaren gt3 wheel.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes, read the thread. It’s the main topic of conversation. And it is not limited to a certain console or PC.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    wait, so you say fanatec makes also mercedes drivers as they both germany company ? ok, that makes sense. i should keep away from that car then

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I just say that we have to wait until the new driver will be released mid march. The bug is from the devs detected and will be fixed. Excitement doesn't bring us anything.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    but the clubsport DD/DD+ bugs is not started with 456, those issues what happens goes back to last year already

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yessssss, well done, right decision.👍️

  • @Maurice Böschen

    Is there any help to get my Base back into life?

    My DD+ Base don´t boot/initialize after pressing the Button and so they don´t connect to PC/ PS5?


    There is also no LED light only a Fantec Logo is shown on my V2.5x


    Windows don´t recognize the Base as USB Device, i don´t see it inside the Device Manager, so on also the Driver can´t recognized it, I also tried to press the Button 8-10 seconds to bring the Base in Firmware flash mode, it also don´t work, is there any other solution?


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