Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    A hot fix would work but the developers need a lot of time to test the fix since it seems complicated. Maurice wrote that they think they got a handle on it now but it needs testing. I don’t want a repeat of 456. The current recommendation is to roll the wheel base firmware back so the disconnects happen less frequently. Maurice said they will update the 456 driver package to use the previous wheel base firmware but that hasn’t been done yet. I just hope when this issue is fixed, it is truly fixed for good. I do find it maddening that they released the product with this kind of issue.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Let us know if/how often it disconnects after downgrading the base. I’m kind of scared to downgrade it if something happens during the firmware update process. Though it seems many here have done it. But I see people saying their base is “bricked” but I don’t know what causes that exactly. From my understanding it could be an error while updating the firmware.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Well I just won my lfm race without it crashing on me so thats a positive sign!!!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Thank I'm going to do that

  • After the downgrade to ofvthe cs dd base. I had no problems at all

  • Greetings, I just wanted to mentioned that definitely driver 456 is causing an issue that has already been mentioned here.

    The wheel stops working except the steering. The LEDs get stuck, FFB and buttons stops working and the fanatec driver page shows the wheel not recognized. Everything turns back to normal after a power reset.

    I have the CS DS with the formula V2 wheel. I tried it with a podium hub and the endurance add on and I didn't have issues but I didn't test for long. I think you guys know the problem is as mentioned in this forum already.

    I reverted back to driver 455 with its respective firmwares and everything runs well like before.

  • edited March 2024

    Well, I downgraded just the base to and still a similar issue. Wheel still disconnects but instead of just wheel staying disconnected. The DD+ is constantly switching back and forth between High Torque and Low Torque and keeps connecting/disconnecting from PC, PS5, doesn't matter.

    ALL THE TIME... 456 .. constant disconnects... 455... constant disconnects (regardless of base firmware). Hope you're enjoying the $1500 Fanatec, because I sure am not enjoying any of this.

  • DD1 user - This Driver is less stable than previous with loss of FFB during iRacing multiple times per race. Typical loss of FFB is around 5 seconds but long enough to end your race because steering input is completely unresponsive.

    Is there a permanent fix in the works?????

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Tbh, first time I hear about this on P DD.

    Nobody internally ever reported something like that and, due to many FW issues of the CS DD, the P DD is still my main base on my main rig and I also never experienced anything like this, ever.

    So no, there is no permanent fix in the works because it's not even under investigation atm.

  • Heinz GlanzerHeinz Glanzer Member
    edited March 2024

    Hello Maurice,

    I own a DD1 and I still use it

    PC Driver 442


    Wheel Base:

    Wheel Base Motor:

    Wireless QR: 6

    Can I update directly to Driver 455 and its firmware and if so, do I have to remove the wheel from the base during the update?

    Wheels that i own are the older CLUBSPORT FORMULA CARBON and CLUBSPORT PORSCHE 918 RSR.



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    You can directly update to 455, sure.

    Steering wheel only needs to be removed for the WQR update

  • Thanks @Maurice

    Because the WQR is also updated from 6 to 7, so can I do the whole update without a Wheel, right?



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes. After Base FW Update you need to attach a Wheel to perform center calibration though.

  • Hello Maurice,

    I have one more question please.

    Can my WQR break during an update, like some others?

    I have updated the base and engine several times.

    But I can see the WQR update for the first time with driver 452.



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I cant guarantee that it wont break.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I could hear a high pitch frequency at the same exact moment this occurs through my head set, is it possible EMI from something? These are new for me, as in the past, I would occasionally lose FFB but not steering input as well. I have had this DD1 since it was released 4-5 years ago with no major issues. Thank you

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    And if I only update the Wheel Base to and leave the WQR at 6?



  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Then it is possible that future wheels wont work.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    But as long as I only use the Formula Carbon and the Porsche 918 RSR, i can leave the WQR at 6, right?



  • @Maurice

    Is the repackaged driver 456 coming out soon? I thought I would wait for it before downgrading my DD+ base. Or are we just waiting for driver 457 and the hopefully complete fix at this point? Thanks.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Was decided to not release a repackaged 456. In 2 weeks 457 is planned with a proper fix.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Thank you. Do you think it is safe to reinstall driver 455 and just install the base firmware, leaving the WQR and extreme wheel firmware alone? I know others have done it but I want to make sure there are no risks involved.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Should be safe.

  • now after a few days of good gaming my wheel had again an error!! What is the problem because I downgrade to driver 455 and also the base firmware to the older version wheel and wqr are new versions same problem as before!!

    the problem is not the base firmware on the new cs dd what then?

  • can i downgrade everything to 455 firmware safe?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    As I explained already, no, the issue is NOT the Base FW. It is the QR FW.

    The new Base FW in 456 just had some added code which transferred more data to the QR and the QR then was overloaded easier / faster and has shut-off. The old Firmware in 455 does not have this additional code, but it can still happen that too much data is transferred to the QR so it shuts-off.

    Therefore the wheel communication freeze can happen with any firmware ever released for the CS DD.

    The issue will be fixed with an upcoming new QR Firmware this month.

  • ok so only we can wait 😏

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    One of the next? So it could be the next driver? Or twelve drivers from now? I appreciate the response. Just is frustrating buying something that has no option to be repaired in the immediate.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Nobody knows atm, there is a possible solution which still needs to be tested and verified. So it wont be twelve drivers from now but I dont know if the fix makes it into 457 or 458. But shouldnt be later than that I think.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yeah others have confirmed that the disconnect still happens but perhaps less frequently. I hope driver 457 fixes this once and for all.

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