Fanatec CSL DD Axle anti-slip-out bracket - info and pics here
Will prevent your wheel from disconnecting. Will scratch your stock collar slightly. No biggie. But you have been warned. Tested by hours of drifting.
there are cheaper solution what not allows pull the shaft out.
one guy at youtube show how to make this with only one Bearing ball
Link? Can't imagine how while not voiding the warranty. Also three euro seems pretty cheap to me.
3 euro's? where that guy stole all those bolts what is included there. does he even make any profit ?
The guy is me :D These ISO standard screw cost me literally one euro twenty and printing material cost is circa 2 eur for 100 grams and this thing got about 120g. It doesn't look the best, but will temporarily get me through until my two part clamp arrives :) There's no profit, you can download it and print yourself anytime. Creative Common License.
yeah, but you forget one thing, you to need have the 3D printer. what cost way more than just a 3 Euros
And the same goes for any tool you will use performing any other mod. So no, I didn't forget anything. I just expect anybody who even considers simracing to have enough money for the tools and sim hardware needed. When you get them firsthand, the rest can be cheap. I don't quiet follow your mental gymnastics here which aren't even related to this topic.
well you say it cost. only 3 euros. 1 bearing ball may cost less than that . but i not have video link for this as if you interested you may need search self . i not start promo here the YouTubers
also your product seems little gave age anyway because i use qr2 from release day
if talk about two part clamp, fanatec qr2 comes with that as default
Yes, exactly Allan. You are the main character of this universe and people around you are here to find references for your quotes so you don't have to. It also seems you are loosing track of what have been already said here and keep talking about some product of mine that doesn't exist. It is a plain STL file under a open license.
Hope you will understand I will ignore all your post from now on.
i hope you understand what i say anyway. fanatec new stuff start come out with qr2. and they may future even Discontinued the qr1 as there no point make them when everyone start use qr2
im sure what you are doing is fun with your free projects but allot people already use qr2
for example like this, it don't even have this metallic clamp anymore like you have in you project
And a lot of people DONT have the QR2, and may not want to/cant upgrade. So this might be another option. Assuming someone already has a 3d printer, or knows someone who has one....
Not everyone wants to/can afford the latest and greatest
not looks like this helps shaft moving tho
he even self tell that he buy himself double clamp. so its more like his own fun project with his 3d printer
Don't mind Allan. He's commenting on everything but very rarely got something to say and is absolutely delusional. :D He never even seen the thing, but is sure it can't work. Of course it does.
...and yes, you are 100% right. I just don't wanna spend more and wait when I can get it done in 8 hours for like €3.
what i see is only. that 3 euros to the toilet as that not looks like it have any actual practical use
That's okay Allan, this is just way beyond your mental capacity to understand such "elaborate" mechanical systems. I know I said I will not react to you anymore but I do as I feel really sad for you right now.
you are using at there the fanatec original U clamp. explain me how that design makes it better?
even fanatec not use that U anymore in they new product. and they never used that in DD1/DD2
so how that is better exactly?
We both know you lack the inteligence needed to understand it, therefore no need to explain. If you were able to understand concept of two clamps being pulled together, you already did in the first place. Goodbye Allan, please, seek some medical help.
i have even better question for you. you have the 3d printer. why you not self make the double clamp ?
To make the main, 14mm deep, clamp out of plastic? Now I see you are just plain stupid and have no idea about engineering. And now, goodbye for good!
i not have 3d printer. but i even self hear that there are stronger and weaker plastic materials.