UPS is atrocious, lies about attempting delivery, leaves it 3 towns away

See here 36163 other opinions, amounting to 1 star, in TrustPilot

In my case, they have done this about 4 times.

Fanatec could you please use another delivery service? DHL is great.


  • You will find bad reviews for all possible delivery services. Also these pages are usually not officially used by them, so they will always have mostly negative reviews. Because those that had no issues very rarely go in an leave a positive review on third party sites.

    That said, it's usually an issue with the local/regional locations and not the delivery service overall. Contact UPS to get it sorted with their customer service.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited September 19

    allot issues come from something else, as we all ready know that Corsair buy Fanatec. so this deliver stuff and so on will change to better.

    TrustPilot shows old stuff what happened before the Corsair step in. so it not fully count anymore what happened before

    i not had any issue with the UPS, but if company or responsible user not add all the info to the transfer , then yes there always can something happen

    i'm usually not even bother give comments in TrustPilot so they not actually have all users at there who had positive feelings about the UPS

  • Sure, so I change my proposal to this: Fanatec, give us options. In some areas, UPS is really bad, in other areas, it may be good. I want to be able to choose DHL which works magnificently well here.

    Here is another idea, posted with permission, by reddit user tduncs88:

    "Fair points, but not everyone sees the forest for the trees. The company may see the potential increase in cost and continue to believe that something as simple as a shipping provider wouldn't sway a customers decision in ordering. Other online shops are either doing too low of volume for it to affect their prices, or are using shipping platforms that provide their own discounted rates that they've negotiated with the providers negating the benefit of entering into an exclusive contract. Personally I believe that they should redo their entire ordering platform and integrate it with one of the many phenomenal all in one platforms so that they can allow for the multiple options and still keep the shipping prices stable. Something like shipping or shipstation. (I used to work in shipping insurance so I'm acutely familiar with many of those platforms)."

  • no this is UPS related, not fanatec related. but fanatec needs to do something because UPS has been like this for years

  • of course i'd love to be able to buy their stuff from amazon that would be the best solution

  • best solution would be if you just walk the local shop and grab the product at there.

    as Corsair owns now the Fanatec. something like this may even happen in one day.

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