the CSL Universal Hub V2 doesn't fit on the CSL DD without an extra adapter, I'm fuming

On top of having to wait a week and a half for Fanatec to send the order, I discovered that the steering wheel doesn't fit on the wheelbase without the QR2 adapter. I guess I was naive enough to believe that CSL would fit CSL. So, it looks like I'll have to place another order for €60 and wait another one and a half weeks.

OK, now that I know what a QR2 is, I obviously had to get one of these.

But it would be great if it were more obvious to non-nerds which items they needed to buy first time around, rather than having to order a second time.


  • you mean you buy that with qr1 but you have qr2?

  • Yes. The the wheel came with that QR1 thing and the base with that QR2 thing.

    Everything is assembled, thursday is a holiday and the wheel doesn't fit on the base.

    I'm really considering sending all that stuff back right now.

  • edited October 1

    When you add the wheel to your basket you was asked to make sure that the chosen QR fits the one of your base. More details about QR2 would have been available if you would have clicked the word "hier", which you obviously did not clicked, otherwise the QR2 info page would have opened to tell you literally everything you would have needed.

  • No sh*t Sherlock?

    But you mix QR1 and QR2 in this list and just add a one-liner with a one-word link. For me, an old man who is not a FANATEC product expert, this meant that everything in the list fitted, because CSL and CSL ... apparently not. I just thought I need no quick release so skip that part.

    It would only be half as unfortunate if the despatch didn't take half an eternity.

  • you title is little wrong, it does not need extra adapter

  • You have to order it separately and pay extra. Without it, you can't attach the wheel to the base.

    Well, I consider the QR2 Lite Wheel-Side as an extra adapter. ;-)

    The QR1 Lite Wheel-Slide, which was added automatically to my basket at no extra cost (which made me also think it's the one I need), definitely does not fit the base.

    If there's a way to attach the wheel to the base without an extra adapter, please let me know. I am apparently completely new to the world of more expensive sim racing gear.

  • you can take qr2 from your old steering wheel and add there. till you wait new one

  • My old wheel is a T300. It has no QR2. ;-)

    If I had Fanatec before, I'd probably knew that CSL doesn't necessarily fit on CSL.

  • It is confusing, but it's not misleading. And there are a lot of places to go and search to figure it out, but new customers are going to continue to be confused or be misinformed/uninformed.

    It's a bit of a mess and the price hike doesn't really promote people to read into it any further. I totally understand the confusion of CSL to CSL products. But here' it's all about the QR2 which IS 10X better than QR1.

    But most all other companies have the QR's figure out by now and are not a substantial price hike or an afterthought. They are just in the system and they work. And so does QR2. But the road to getting here has made it a super mess.

    I would get the QR2, and you'll likely be happy with it.

    Good Luck with your new goodies.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 2

    like i understand he have base with qr2, but problem is that steering wheel what he buy was with the qr1 self

    so yes any new user who not know nothing about that, it is little confusing

    for us who saw the qr2 release, its much easier because we was inside that when it happened

  • Yes, that's the problem - I'm a new customer.

    I went for the entry level range. I put the base in the basket, then the wheel and the online shop AUTOMATICALLY added the QR1 slide/mounting, whatever you want to call it. This made it very clear to me that this was the mounting I needed for the products I'd selected. Why else would the system automatically add it?

    The pop-up that opened looked like it was trying to sell my extra stuff - like most other online shops do. To me it was like - hey, you wanna buy that fancy quick release like in real motorsport? And I was like, no mate, I'm fine, I just want to play a video game.

    Luckily I found out on the forum yesterday that I should use the 451 driver instead of the 455 because it is the last stable one?

    The experience as a new customer is really like WTF, what have I got myself into here?

    To cut a long story short, if I ever want to upgrade or change anything about the setup, I'll sell the whole shebang on eBay and switch to the brand that sounds like the Austrian composer.

  • The Online Shop did NOT automatically added the QR1. You chose it on your own.

    455 is the latest stable official driver release, not 451.

  • Hey Maurice, I really appreciate your effort in trying to give me the "Schwarzer Peter", but I have just repeated the order process.

    I added the base and then the wheel a then the popup appeared advertising the QR2 as an upgrade. For me, an upgrade implies that it is not necessary. As I said before; hey wanny buy that fancy quick release ...

    The info text "Please make sure your selectet quick release fits your wheel base" reads in this case as if I have to make sure that the upgrade, if I want one, has to fit. But I never wanted an upgrade.

    When I close the popup (the x in the top right corner) the QR1 is in the basket. So please don't have the audacity to imply that I added it myself. I clearly didn't.

  • would not call 455 stable if it starts scream V0 all the time for specific steering wheels

  • I understand your frustration but before buying something is it better to do your research, you can find in this time a lot on the internet like for example YouTube on Reddit etc. And you can find a lot information on the QR2 page off fanatec. It was for me also overwhelming the first time that I wanna buy something from Fanatec but with a little bit research buy i the correct things. Take that as a lesson in the future Im not judging just saying my opinion.

  • stop it.

    to you todo allot research and try read all kind different stuff if you buy shop the bread?

  • If I buy something that I don’t know what I am buying yes I gonna do my research. To prevent things like that mister haves right now

  • so you todo research when you buy your first steering wheel?


    if i would know that this "Direct Drive" exist i would not even buy the gear drive steering wheel first place

  • Smail LaibSmail Laib Member
    edited October 2

    Yes I did mate. I saw a lot of reviews vids on YouTube and unboxing vids to inform my self I think that is just normal to do if you put that amount of money in something for the first time. It’s just normal logic for me.

    im not here to discuss, I’m here to help or to be helped

  • edited October 2

    That's just a visual glitch with no impact on overall usability.

    So yes, 455 is the last stable official driver. Is it bug-free? lol of course not, something like bug-free is basically impossible. But this specific Bug you mention is so minor that it doesn't affect the performance or general usability at all.

  • thats true, but it may confuse some guy if he install that and it end forever firmware update loop

  • That still does not change that fact that 455 is the latest stable official driver.

  • @smail laib

    So if I buy several products from a line and the online shop automatically adds an adapter to my shopping basket, shouldn't I be able to assume that the parts will fit? I should do extra research, even though I am buying from what now turns out to be the former industry leader with years of experience?

    You really do have strange standards of quality.

    You wrote 'if you put that amount of money into something'; yes, then I should be able to expect not to have to deal with such a fuss.

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