Fanatec Driver 462 (Release Version) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • Hi, when I update to 462 I get

    I click ok and control panel shows my details correctly

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 20

    I appreciate your help, I don't know how to update the base first without the driver being installed (I uninstalled the old driver v456 completely) so how would I just update the base first? I just removed the wheel with the base turned off and tried again with the base turned on, rebooted many times, I have also tried reinstalling the previous driver v456 but have the same error again when pressing the ok button on the first error I have a second error box appear! I have been using my DD2 without issues with the driver v456. Has it just broken all of a sudden?

  • Neil ReubenNeil Reuben Member
    edited October 20

    Stephen you have a windows OS issue, not a DD2 hw issue, maybe due to a windows update - my only suggestion would be to disconnect the wheel from PC, uninstall the package, and delete any fanatec folders in the system, reboot the PC and try installation again, but others may have more specific ideas

  • As per the last part of the error message I shall post the Fanatec Logs here, tried all other suggestions ...Maybe someone from support will understand what's going on :) Thank you!

  • edited October 21

    Are you trying to install driver on your C: drive? If you haven't already maybe check your drive for errors, maybe run SFC command.


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 21

    try install without Tray App or make sure that this is also uninstalled before you start french install

  • uninstall old driver and use usbdview or other to uninstal empty devices and reboot pc. install new driver reboot pc . et voilá

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 21

    I very much appreciate all the help :)

    Yes thank you, I wasn't sure if that could be done on an SSD drive, but yes it can, so I did...Came up with one error and rebooted to fix...But no I get the same error, I also deleted all USB drives unhooked all USB devices from PC and tried to update without the DD2 connected....I still have the same error :(

    Edit: Just now tried to install on a different Drive: D:\SWIFTY\Fanatec\Fanatec Wheel Nope, same error still :(

  • Maybe try to install in safe mode? Guessing now. Hopefully someone will have better knowledge on this kind of issue. I'm sure it will get resolved.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 21

    you need have the Admin privileges for install the drivers. something is blocking your service stuff what is needed for the drivers

    maybe its a Core isolation feature

    something like this what you have in your Log by default should not happen

      ServiceManager::ServiceOpen OpenService failed! 1060 Service does not exist.
      ActionServiceUninstall: ServiceEnableAccess failed on FWSrvc!
  • Unfortunately, the Windows installer service is not accessible in Safe Mode, I tried starting it manually but got an error 1084: Windows could not start this service in Safe mode...It won't allow me past the run Driver program.

    I am the only one using my PC so I am the Admin with all Privileges (I checked that first) I'm just about to reset Windows 10, I know I can choose to save my personal files but I'll lose most if not all of my apps that have been on my PC for over 8 years, so I'll find them all to reinstall later and then do a backup, somehow I don't trust Windows when it says "It will save all your Personal files" Again thanks guys for all the help :)

  • After i installed driver 463, when i hit the power button for the wheel base the light turns on and the wheel spins a little but not like usual. The fanatec app does not detect the wheel base so i cant even try updating the firmware. Ive downgraded to another version but it still doesnt work. After first driver download, i clicked flash firmware but didnt want that so i closed out of the application mid process so i may

    have messed it up. But now when i unplug the usb-c from the wheel base ther computer doesnt even make a sound anymore like its connecting, but the wheel still has power because when i unplug the wheel and then plug it back in i am able to turn the wheel on, but no light and the wheel turns strangly. Any help?

  • James SpotoJames Spoto Member
    edited October 22

    Idk if driver or fanalab issue after updating both to latest version GT extreme wheel itm will freeze not led still functions fine have also updated to latest firmware

    was working fine on last update

  • I try to download the driver but nothing happens, the fanalab works, regards, Martin

  • Stephen WayStephen Way Member
    edited October 22

    After a Windows 10 reset the v462 driver was installed correctly...but now it will not install the firmware in the driver it tells me v is installed but after I turn on the wheelbase with or without a wheel attached the fan blows on max and the shaft turns at one quarter turn and the wheelbase does nothing but blow the fan at max......OK so I uninstalled the driver to start again, AND GUESS WHAT? ....Yes, back to square one with the same friggin Error message as before!!

    Should I now contact Support? Is Support even working now? as since reporting my problem I've not had Maurice or Marcel Pfister offer up any help or suggestions .....SO, I don't have a clue now what I should do!! Is my DD2 broken?

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 22

    why you reinstall the drivers when you was able install them already?

    that fan thing can come that firmware may not installed in right order. and may needed install firmware again to the base.

    you may have also this TrayApp issue what not allows install correctly the drivers . that is only thing what i not use from them, so you need check if that is correctly uninstalled

  • That might sound stupid and maybe it was! I have yet to install the tray app, it's never been installed by me...but even when I didn't update the firmware the driver was telling me the Firmware was updated already, and the wheelbase was blasting the fan and doing nothing else no forces nothing like is was dead....I turn it on now and it just blows max and that's it...I didn't know what else to do just thinking OK, lets uninstall and start again, the driver installed the first time before and I didn't think it would not install again, just trying things....I've had my DD2 over 2 years installed drivers before and updated firmware...My DD2 has worked Flawlessly for two years, and doing exactly the something like uninstalling drivers install new ones, rebooting, updating and rebooting again...But this time I'm floored!! Just trying to think "What the hells gone wrong?

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 22

    what was your last firmware what was inside your base? just go back to 451 if it cause issues

    i was uninstalled , and install the drivers again without issues so i not know what happens at your place.

    you know right that when you install the drivers, fanalab and the base should not really run at that time?

  • In any case something's not right somewhere....If the drivers are not installing...If that's not sorted out wouldn't I just have the same issue when the next driver comes along? I'm not a PC whizz-kid...I'm a 72 year, old man with a Zimmer frame lol, well maybe not the zimmer frame 😁

  • i not know if fanatec provides a service that they come to your house and they will set it up for you.

  • Hi just out of interest does the 462 update fix the issue with reference to the rally hub displaying garbled info on the small lcd monitor or am I still having to wait to get that sorted

  • That would be a great idea!! ...I'm not sure about Fanatec but Corsair might!! That would be a boost for Customer Service!!😁😉

  • it's not fully new idea, i just take that from my country company services what they already doing long time now.

  • Try backdating to 454 then run the 462 update again.

  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited October 22

    It's not bricked because nothing has been updated. This is a typical USB connection error. Try using a different USB port on your PC and it should work. Do not use a port with a USB hub.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited October 22

    user needs todo pc restart after driver update, if he is hurry and wants right away then he may fail with first try

  • Hi fellas, I tried it without my USB extension cable and it is now running well. Thank you!

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