Need help with shifting problem v2.5x

edited November 18 in Steering Wheels

Hello all fanatec members

Im new and received my csl dd ,,v3 pedals,,and v2.5x formula wheel few weeks ago

Ive noticed that my v2.5x wheel is from a recent batch with firmware

I use the driver 462 ,,everything is updated

Now i have this very annoying shifting problem when my ffb setting is above 40%

Then i sometimes have missing shifts ,,downshifts as wel as upshifts

My wheel allready had an rma ! they changed the main cable ,,but the shifting problem is still there

I read a lot about others that have this same sort of shifting issues and many say if they revert the driver and firmware to an older one the issue is solved

Because my wheel is quite recent i cant downgrade the firmware lower than

Can somebody please help me how i can fix this that my wheel shifts normal above 40% ffb ???

Ill play f12020 and very strange thing is that when i swap the v2.5x to my wrc wheel ,with this wheel the shifting goes perfect without any miss shifts ,,even when i crank up the ffb to 150%

Can please somebody explain what could be the shifting problem with my v2.5x wheel



  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 18

    since the 456 firmware they have mis shift issue, by default yes some users can use they older firmware for fix it

    you seems have this new type v2.5x, you out off luck and need wait they fix

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 19

    accounting off some new info, you should able use that in 455, you could try that out in there and maybe helps you

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hello Ralf,

    we’re sorry about the shifting problem with your ClubSport Formula V 2.5 X and we can understand your frustration. Please note that we’ve forwarded your concern (Ticket #2007737358 ) with our support team. They’ll try to get back to you soon.

    Your Fanatec Team

  • edited November 20

    Hello Allan and James

    Thank you for your replies !!

    It's very sad to hear that i have a recent v2.5x wheel that can't be downgraded on firmware and im out of luck because of this

    I tried allready to revert to driver 455 insteas of 462

    Unfortunately it's impossible to downgrade the firmware like shown in this screenshot

    And James ,,thanks for creating a support ticket ,but off course ,,i am allready in contact with fanatec supoort team about this issue !

    My wheel also had an Rma ,but the shifting problem is still there

    So i realy don't know what to do now ???


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 20

    you not need downgrade the steering wheel, you need todo that for the base self -.-

    that miss shift issue comes most likley from base hardware csl dd/DD1/DD2 firmware, not from the steering wheel self

    if downgrade the base firmware not help then dunno.

  • Thanks for you reply again

    I noticed this while reading info on the form that the problem is base firmware

    I tried to downgrade the base but realy dont know how to do this

    Only thing what i could do was revert to driver 455 but nowhere i see this option like on my screenshot ,only thing what i vould do was ,flash firmware ,but then the overview says still up to date

    How i do this downgrade the base firmware ???

  • edited November 22

    I have good news ! šŸ˜

    Yesterday i tested my v2.5x on my collegue's ps5 with dd pro on 100% ffb

    Same game & same game settings

    I did like 20 laps on my favorite circuit zandvoort

    Not 1 time i had a miss shift 

    The wheel shifts perfectly !

    So we discovered the shifting problem at my home is because of my csl dd base

    Then we checked his wheelbase settings in the fanatec menu

    I copied the exact settings on my base

    And guess what ,,,,my wheel shifts perfect without any problem šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ¤©šŸ¤©

    So the miss shifting was no firmware issue at all

    I used these settings 

    Im very happy that this shifting problem is finnaly solved ,, šŸ¤©

    Please let me know what you think of this 

    May'be this information is useful for others that have the same issue šŸ˜‰

    Kind regards 

    Ralf van den Broecke

  • you mean one off those settings may cause miss shift?

    because by default it should not happen at all

  • Hi Allan

    Thanks for your reply !

    I didn't try yet to revert the settings to default ,to see if the wheel then get miss shifts again on high ffb setting

    But believe me im very happy i could copy my collegue's settings ,and after this my wheel shifts without problems

    Why i get misshifts by default i still don't know

    But im gonna test this to revert to default and then ill let you know šŸ˜‰

  • Well ,,im done testing now

    The miss shift problem of my v2.5x wheel

    Is because of this

    multi position switch setting !!!

    When it's on auto > i directly had miss shifts again in 2nd lap

    Set it back to encoder > No miss shifts anymore


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 23
  • Your welcome !

    Let me know the result


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited November 24

    that does not help, this bug is time or counter based, by default it not pops up all the time in here

    and short test may not even show the problem

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Thanks for those hints.

    Just weird because both settings should do the same and not impact the shifting.

    Were there other differences between the settings which created the issue and the ones which didn't?

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited 11:30AM

    there is one thing what i notice, it does not always detect apm in steering wheel

    for example in 451 , it detect right away without any issue

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