CSL Pedal - throttle sensitivity in GT7
Hi All - I just got the GT DD Pro bundle and have played GT7 for a couple of hours so far. One thing I've noticed in GT7 is that though the game seems to accurately measure throttle pedal pressure in the game's control panel, in game it seems like you have to be pushing 60-70% of the pedal travel before you get acceleration. The end consequence of that is that I'm pretty much having to use what feels like the last 30% of travel for anything from light to hard acceleration.
Is this expected / normal, or is there a way to adjust the throttle sensitivity so that if I'm only pushing 30% / 50% / etc into the pedal travel, that I get more acceleration? Because right now if I only push part way, I get nothing.
From a setup perspective, I've updated the firmware for everything via PC. But aside from centering the wheel, I haven't changed any default settings for the wheel / pedals. I'm new to Fanatec and it's been a long time since I've used a wheel / pedal set up. Thanks in advance!
i know what it is, they are sending out wrong values , in pc its possible fix because you have more options in games, but hardware like playstation self may limited this thing.
i personally notice that the one game what i play often at pc
they like todo things own way. but this own way method causes all kind off problems
by default its needed change sending values in firmware. i not not know if you can change that in GT7 self
GT7 developers could change that for they game but for them its also extra work so not know if they todo this or not
your pedals self is fine, you not need worry about that
You can change the dead zone in the game, what did you set it to?
In the Fanatec control panel on PC you can also see the inputs. What happens there, does the value also only change after pressing the pedal down so much?
Can you tell me which menu to go to? I did see a pedal calibration menu (that seems to just set the minimum threshold - which is by default 5%, which I left alone). I'm not sure what changing that value does.
Also - any tuning you do on PC doesn't work for console right?
Thanks for the responses so far. I played for several hours yesterday and got used to it, but just logically it doesn't make sense to effectively only have half the pedal travel for throttle.
Then you've been to the correct menu ;) Then the in-game deadzone is not the issue,
Did you check the pedal input on PC in the Fanatec control panel? Same issue there?
that 50% comes how the hardware sends out the number, in PC the DirectX there is possible use them different ways
Fanatec sends out 50% as default, then game calibrates that the 0%
the problem what i see is that GT7 don't seems have this kind calibration like PC games usually may have
the result would be that only 50% used in the GT7
like i tell already it's the firmware problem by default
there is one thing what you can todo till wait the updates, you can try use older firmware, but i not know what version because i never had Playstation 5
Thanks for the responses. I've gotten used to the throttle - I think partly it was just getting used to the hardware. I just changed out the elastomers on the load cell pedal to the hybrid 3DRap ones, so giving the load cell brake pedal a shot for a few days. Initially, when felt how stiff the stock one was, I knew I wouldn't be able to use it w/ a wheel stand pro. With the mod, it's 50/50 after a few hours - so we'll see.