BSOD with Podium Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3
François Verdannet
Hi all,
If i turn off my PODIUM DD1 i have a blue screen of death. I think it's fanalab causing this when ITM is enabed.
Driver : 353
Yes, it's a known issue which is under investigation.
I have the same thing intermittently - has happened twice - bug report below
Bugcheck code: 0xD1 (0xFFFFE28D58FE682E, 0x2, 0x0, 0xFFFFF80617576949)
file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\fwfilterusb.sys
product: Fanatec Wheel
company: Endor AG
description: Fanatec Wheel Filter Driver
Hi Gagaryn,
It's a pleasue that ilt's happened not only to me !
not for me! 😉
Hi, this driver should fix the blue screen issue:
Let me know if it helped.
Drivers now, we have new drivers?
for dd or everyone, pc, xb1 or everyone ?
DD, obviously only PC related fixes as a driver has no effect on Xbox.
Good, im not a pc or xbox users, im just looking for a fix for this base before it tries to break my wrists again.