PBME Left Stick is Inverted in PS4? FunkyStick (press) is mapped to two buttons?

When using the PBME on a DD1 PS4 connected to PS4, does anyone have the same problem where the left stick is inverted, down is up, and up is down? I also found that the FunkyStick button is mapped to two buttons, is it like this for everyone? Lastly, the button mapping for PS4 doesn't match what the manual shows.
I've updated all firmware as of yesterday (Podium Hub/PBME). Is all of this a known problem or am I lucky again?
Known firmware issues.
The Buttom Mappings Sheet delivered with the wheel is old. There is a new one: https://fanatec.com/media/pdf/3a/fc/88/P-BME-QG_EN_08_MO.pdf
That's a tremendous help!!! Thank you Christian!!!
Maurice, you are more amazing than you credit for! As a non-employee of Fanatec, you always give fast, concise answers! Thank you!!!
A follow up question, the inverted left stick and "double mapped" FunkySwitch button are both known issues that will be resoled with FW updates?
yes, both issues are on the "known issue" list and should be fixed with the next public firmware.