Controlling the LEDs/display on a Formula V2 wheel via 3rd party app?

As the title asks is there any way to control the LEDs and OLED display on a Formula V2 wheel (with a V2.5 base) via a 3rd party app? I've seen the app Fanaleds which seems promising and have contacted the developer(s) but I want to do this from a non-racing game, specifically the space simulator Elite Dangerous. I'm envisioning using te shift lights to show shield strength, etc.
Just curious if anyone has seen such an app/API before.
You can only use those apps to control leds for racing games, FanaLab would be the best program for this.
Fanatec has an SDK which is probably necessary for this. You can contact them with your idea if you want to develop something. Getting the SDK requires signing an NDA, so I don't expect any developer to talk to you much about this. This info is readily available on the website.
Sure, but if they have some kind of API why couldn't you use that for a non-racing game? Why does the game inherently have to be racing? I use my wheel to drive the SRV/rover in Elite all the time.
When you say "this info is readily available on the website" do you mean Fanatec's site? If so we have different definitions of "readily available".
Maybe not easy, but here it is.