Has anyone paired a Next Level Wheelstand with a Fanatec CSW v2?

Thinking of going this route since I need a folding stand but concerned about the stability.
Thinking of going this route since I need a folding stand but concerned about the stability.
You would be fine with that wheel stand and CSW V2.
I would avoid their single post stand, it's severely disappointing especially if you have Fanatec gear.
Not the single post, this https://www.simulation1.ca/products/next-level-racing-wheel-stand/
Have you setup and used one of these personally? I left this question in a few places and this is the only one ive seen with positive feedback
Prior to my RSeat I had a DIY setup made from MDF and and old satellite dish arm which I used for both my CSW's for a few years and it worked great. A friend of mine uses my V2 and the NL Stand with no issues. If you were buying a DD wheel then definitely not. :)
im currently using the Fanatec Rennsport stand, do you think it will fair as good/better then that?
Sorry Andrew, notifications not popping up. The Next level would be mopre stable due to the design.
Thank you for getting back to me its no worries, okay I think im gonna go for it then. I have no issue with the rennsport stability so I think I will be okay :)