A budget DIY sim rig <100€ (rig only)

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Hi! I've just finished my DIY rig.
I got tired of table mounts and previous half done substitutes for it but had no desire to spend 1000's of € on a rig.
So I made a simple prototype drawing and bought pre cut mdf,(16 mm), some 70x40 mm wooden joist and started building.
I also used an IKEA chair that was already in house. It has some disadvantages regarding flexing but it is quite easy to overcome by adding some back support.( I strap it to the rig). I started with a T300 wheelbase but decided to upgrade to a CSL Elite F1 bundle + a loadcell kit.
It would be fun to see other budget DIY.
Hey, that's awesome!
I wish I was crafty enough to build my own.
Hi! No real craftsmanship needed. If you want I can send you a draft drawing and a bill of materials. Regarding to tools you just need an electric Drillingmachine/Screwdriver, some drills & bits, a holesaw, jigsaw and misc fasteners. //J
Drawings and BOM