ClubSport Shifter not working with Podium Wheel Base PS4

Hi there,
Can you let me know how to enable the ClubSport Shifter SQ V 1.5 in H-mode with the Podium Wheel Base DD1 PS4 and ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® PS4.
I have all these components and the wheel base + the steering wheel and the pedals work fine on my PS4 but I'm unable to enable the shifter to work with this combination on Assetto Corsa. I've tried a different steering wheel as well (ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2) but it also did not work in tandem.
The shifter is connected to the SHIFTER1 port. It is visible correctly in the Fanatec control pannel on the PC (as a H-shifter) and it has been mapped properly, and re-mapped again to make sure that I did not make any mistakes.
I did not test it yet in the sequential mode as I have the shifter pedals on the steering wheel for that but I will try to change the settings on the shifter and see if it works.
The only racing games I have now are Assetto Corso and F1 2018 so it is pointless to try the shifter with the F1 game but I assume that it should work with Assetto. Has anyone experienced these issues?
Have you properly calibrated the Shifter within the property page and mapped it in Assetto Corsa afterwards?
Hi Sascha,
thank you for your reply. Which property page are you refering to? Is it within the Fanatec control panel? If that's the case, than yes, The shifter is mapped and calibrated there and I can see the little red square correctly indicating the gear I've selected.
I'm a relative newbie to Assetto Corso so not sure if I've done everything correctly there. I've just selected the car, and set the automatic gearbox off. I have not indicated anywhere else within the game that I have a separate shifter that I'm using (the paddles on the steering wheel work fine and I can change gears with it, but the shifter is not responding).
You have to map the gears ingame aswell, then you'll be good to go :)
Thanks. Need to figure out how this should be done. Any hints, if I may?
Just to verify, do you mean the PS4 or PC Version of AC?
If you are on the PC version you need to go under controls and map every gear.
On the PS4 Version there is an option to switch the H-Pattern either on or off. It's under Options ->Advanced
I use the PS4 version of the game. I will look for this option tonight or tomorrow morning.