DD2 auto re-start during iRacing? Really dangerous!

I've asked this question a while back and got no sensible answer.
I have a DD2 base and 3 times over the last months it has decided to automatically go into Wheel base has been started in update mode You can just see this under the screenshot message. Why on earth is this happening? I cannot find an option that I have set to automatically do this?
Also when it goes into "Wheel base has been started in update mode" the wheel firstly release, causing you to crash then appears to use MAXIMUM torque and try and force it to spin for hundreds of revoluions, trying to stop it is just dangerous. Surely you should warn the user?
And worse, hitting the power button at the back does NOTHING.
Hi, can you please check if the vibration feature is enabled in iRacing and disable it to see if it helps with the issue?
Hello Marcel
The wheel isn't vibrating. The updater has launched, initiated an update and has re-started the wheel.
Vibration feature Marcel meant is for the pedals, not the wheel, and it's enabled by default in iRacing and could cause these Freezes.
Hi Marcel
Just to be clear the wheel is going into automatic update mode and is not freezing, if ou look under the message in the middle in the screen it says Wheel base has been started in update mode You can just see this under the screenshot message. This is what you get when you go to Fanatec Drivers/Settings/Update/...
And do you have the vibration setting checked in the iRacing options or not?... That was the initial question which you still didn't answered. There is a reason for that question because it seems more like a game issue related to that Vinration feature iRacing introduced in their March Build and not directly a Fanatec issue.
That was perfectly clear, the thing is I have just less than a handful of reports regarding this at the moment and pretty much all of them were about iRacing and since that vibration feature was introduced. I have a feeling it could be related.
Hi Marcel, to confirm, the vibration setting is not checked in iRacing. I'm running SimWorx pedals if that helps.
I forgot to ask which driver and firmware you are currently using.
There are 2 suggestions i could make, trying the very stable 346: https://fanatec.com/media/unknown/a8/ff/14/Fanatec_64_driver_346.msi
And trying the most recent 374: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/15204/fanatec-beta-driver-v373-372-before-for-csl-csw-and-podium-bases-all-wheels/p1