Podium Button Module Endurance not recognized by PC

Started to have this problem yesterday i think, sometimes when i opened the Fanatec wheel property page and my dd2, it recognized the Button module endurance, but sometimes it just says it is just a podium hub.
Version of the driver is 356
Is the USB-C plug correctly plugged in and doesn't have play?
Well theres only one way you can put it, and what amount of play are we talking about? If i wiggle it, it does move a bit but i dont know if its that much that it would effect on how the PBME is working.
Mine also has some little play. Could you maybe try the latest driver package with FW 13 for the BME to see if this solves your issue?
Is it easily downgradeable ? I have the setup now working otherwise, had some issues with the pedals not giving any signal earlier and now its working so it would be good if its easily downgradeable so that the pedals dont become the issue again.
Yes it is, just install the driver 356 again and downgrade the FWs again
Whats your exact driver and firmware that your using?
driver 373 with included FWs
Okay thanks ill try ur tips out.
Now have the same driver and FW's but still some times buttons , led and screen not working.
PC driver: 373
Wheel Base Firmware: 674
Wheel Base Motor Firmware: 40
Steering Wheel Firmware: 13
Podium Hub Firmware: 3
What shall i do next?
You either contact the support now as it seems to be a hardware issue or you could detach the QR and check if the 2 plugs within the wheelside QR are properly plugged in.
Okay maybe ill just contact support and see what theyll say, maybe they will say the same but atleast then its done like they want it :).
Just wanted to chime in, that I received my module and i'm having the same issue, I checked all the connections and firmwares and the module does not show at all. I already started a support ticket but wanted to know if anyone with the same issue has found a solution. Cheers!