Black Friday 2020

I think I t would be win-win if Fanatec announced their Black Friday deals early.

  1. It would allow people waiting for the day to buy now if they know what they want isn’t being discounted. This allows Fanatec to process these earlier orders before the mad rush of Black Friday, and reduces a bit of website load on that weekend. These earlier purchases also benefit from not being caught up in any delivery delays, giving a better customer experience. And if they have any problems in the first few days after setup, customer services will be less overloaded.
  2. Expectations get set earlier and it allows people to rationally plan around the reality of the deals that will be available. This might be good considering the voiced disappointments from last year. Also, with extra time to think it through, in some cases it might involve people buying now after reflecting on it; in other cases it might encourage people to buy more, e.g. tempted from a CSL deal to a CSW or Podium deal.
  3. A lot of people wait for Black Friday at this time of the year, so an earlier announcement shouldn’t canabalise sales much at all (in fact, as argued in point 1, it may stimulate sales).

So, come on Thomas - what do you think?



  • I don't understand why every year the hype around black friday is so high, Thomas explained in a previous blog post how the black fridays are handled at Fanatec. 1 or 2 older products get a discount, but the main focus is on announcing new products.

    Don't get caught up in any hype train or you will be disappointed on black friday again...

    Well, even if Fanatec clearly states how they handel black friday, people still will be disappointed anyway.

  • I'm totally agree with you, Michael.

    It would be better for all of us, and for Fanatec, to know if we are going to find what we wish, of we have to buy it right now.

    Thank for think in us.

  • I like the idea. Many retailers are announcing or at least previewing BF 2020 sales early.

    People have a limited amount of money during the pandemic which means that the competition for their dollars is higher. The early deals announced usually get the money, just ask Dell who got my money for three 32 inch curved monitors.

    One will be disappointed less if deals are previewed in advance and order can be placed now without having to wait and be disappointed at the end of next month.

    ‘I want a Fanatec system, if I knew the deals now, I would prioritize my purchases and not waste weeks before ordering especially since everything I want will not be on sale and I might just see one interesting item. This is different from website offering a set percentage discount or have a lot of items on sale.

  • I agree as well, it's not even about the hype, simply if I'm about to invest tons of money into a new gear and there is possibility it's gonna be discounted in a month, I would like to know before ordering. This way I'm just gonna wait for BF and in the end buy it regardless if it's discounted or not, which leads to the aforementioned accumulation of sales.

  • How long have you been waiting to make this purchase? Since last Black Friday?

  • Because exactly the items you want to buy will be on discount. Zero logic, yet again people start asking for this like every year. Fanatec won't handle this year's black friday any different.

  • Nope, bought my V3 pedals a week ago, left me wanting more. Then started reading all the discussions to decide between 2.5/DD1 or 3rd party DD. Price is high though, so any discount would be nice.

  • As I´ve told you already in another thread, it´s not that I believe that the items I want will be on discount, but either other products that I´m considering (but which wouldn´t be my first choice) can be discounted and then I´d get them, or limited edition/new items can be introduced that I might as well get since it´s just a month away. Lastly, the items that I want could indeed be discounted in the end and then I would just regret not waiting. I´m not a bargain hunter or anything, but I´m a student and not waiting a bit for a sale would be a stupid call on my side. In the end, I would rather they did no BF deals at all and then everyone would be at peace.

  • Then wait for black friday, no problem with that. But ppl need to stop asking for early announcements.

  • Do you run these forums?

    if you do not want see people asking for early announcements, feel free not to read early Black Friday threads.

  • Said Alain who only joined the forum to ask about Black Friday in 3 different threads to sasha that is one of the users trying to help people (most of the times successfully) with questions and problems about their gear. Hmmmm let me think which side the scale leans more.... 😂

  • Even if Sasha had won a Fanatec Nobel prize, his contribution to the forums would still be irrelevant. He has no right to tell others what they should or should not ask Fanatec as long as they do not violate forums rules.

    ‘I do not recall anyone asking for your help or his in this matter.

    You do not want early Black Friday announcements, fine (skip these threads).

    ‘You want early Black Friday Announcements, Great, add you support for it.

    Fanatec is free to say yes, no, or ignore the requests.

    ‘You see how simple this is without some obnoxious fellows trying to be in charge of what people can request?

  • Thanks,

    I read that a while ago.

    ‘They did not specifically address when the sale would be announced and mostly dealt with the extent of the sale and the type of discounts. The point was about when to expect sales (only on BF), how many products would be involved (only a select few), and how much the discount would be. While this is not my preferred way to have sales (extent wise), I nevertheless appreciate the fact that they have sales at all and are upfront about what to expect.

    I know the request is a long shot four weeks in advance, but businesses are known to adapt to changing markets and circumstances (many businesses in the US have already published their BF sales, something they do not do before the pandemic).

    There is nothing to lose in asking, the worst that can happen is a “no” or ...crickets

  • We’re all entitled to our opinions, put politely and respectfully. My aim was to provide a suggestion to the Fanatec team, and it certainly would be great to get feedback from Thomas himself, although I totally understand that he can’t read or reply to all posts.

  • Adam VítAdam Vít Member
    edited October 2020

    Same, for the record, I didn´t expect Fanatec to run the sales the whole month, just to announce what products will be on sale on the Black Friday itself. Also sorry for being a kid who is too impatient to wait 😁I know most of you here are veterans who have been racing for years, for me it´s till new :)

  • I call for new Pedals to have something against the heusinkveld sprints! 😅

  • Seriously i need to know this too... Would really like to see something between the V3 and Sprints...

  • I would love a F1/ Open wheel style rim that could go onto the Universal hub. It would probably look strange with the button blocksaround, but in VR, it would do its job.

  • There is no room between them. Only something similar to the Sprints. Hope they get this done. When I have to choose the sprints then I can also go to SC Pro then. We will see.

  • They have really pushed the F1 wheels. Not sure if its already time for a new one.

  • edited November 2020

    I don't understand why a company would provide any details in advanced of sales like Black Friday. Maybe a week but beyond that I would think it would hurt company profits. If there is a sale within within your return window, won't they just fund you the difference?

  • Alain MaasheAlain Maashe Member
    edited November 2020

    Sim-Lab announced their BF sales yesterday, the sale itself starting on the 13th which is one full week earlier than what the did last year with the announcement being two weeks earlier. I bought my triple Dell monitors two weeks ago because they announced their BF sales in advance and I knew I would not get a better deal than the sale they had at the time to match Amazon’s Prime Day. Other companies are announcing their sales well in advance because they are trying to get our money first in a year where spending will be down as well as store traffic. The traditional approach to BF is changing for the pandemic year. My guess guess is that we will know most Black Friday sales before the middle of the month.

    I wish Fanatec had a stated policy about refunds of the difference if ordered within the return widow. I would place my order right now although I could be missing out on a special edition or new product.

  • Maybe if you asked Fanatec about the refund policy, they would tell you how they would handle it. If you can return the equipment and reorder, why would they not just provide the difference?

    I assume each company has a different strategy for marketing and sales. If one company's analysis indicates they will make a bigger profit by advertising sales early, go for it. If another company has brisk sales without advertising BF sales, why would they advertise early? The companies goal is to maximize profit.

  • Anyone has a clue of what products will be in BF discount?

  • No, last year fanatec made an announcement but I don't remember much time before.

    Strange, moreover, that fanatec has not yet communicated on the subject.

    Hopefully there will be a black friday this year

  • Last year they posted a teaser about Black Friday sales the Friday before Black Friday and then revealed what would be on sale on Black Friday the following Monday. If they follow the same pattern they will have a teaser today.

  • Well then, Fanatec don't have a black friday sale event. They are more focusing on the quality of product, rather than prices. As they posted on blog already, their bundles and specific product would have the special price included, so I don't think they would release any announcement about the black friday sales.

    However, I really hope that could happened in future. Due to the COVID, it is a fantastic time to let customers to have what they want. 🤠

  • I think I’m mostly interested in a new product announcement over a discount. I’m delaying ordering a DD1 and the Porsche Wheel bundle to see if they end up announcing a different wheel I that may peak my interest. Granted if they added a small discount to the current cart that I’ve got lined up fine but would be cool to see some special edition stuff for Friday.

  • Too bad they aren’t even hinting at anything as in previous years.. I’d have already pulled the trigger on my new setup for my new place.. (I left the old rig in the old place as part of the deal). Wouldn’t matter much if I had sold it a few months ago, however moving last week put me in this ‘grey’ area of not wanting to leave anything on the table. Hopefully they give us a sneak peek in the next few days!

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