looking for a newer driver for csl elite starter pack wheelbase for running fanalab

Hello, is the CSl elite wheelbase for x-box and pc the same as the csl elite starter pack wheelbase? I'd like to know if i can use the same driver, because i tried to install fanalab and the want me to update the driver to v352 or higher and i can only find the drivers for the csl elite wheelbase for x-box and pc.
I would be thankful for help
FanaLab 1.53 requires at least driver 373.
The most recent stable driver version 381 should be found on all webshop pages by now.
That one is compatible with the whole Fanatec Eco System - so with EVERY base.
Maurice Böschen,
can you tell me too, where i should place the driver on my harddisk? In the folder of fanalab? Excuse me, I'm a newbee.
do not change the install location, just install it to the exact default location (same for FanaLab, do NOT change the install path of both at all).