Raceroom low speed wheel notching

in RaceRoom
i have a problem my fanatec clubsport v2.5 keeps knocking on low speed with every car. i download the latest version from fanatec but it keeps doing it i think it started doing it after i play asseto corsa in vr. And i don't have the problem on other games only racroom.
Hi Levi,
Can you list the Tuning Menu settings and in-game force feedback settings you are using?
A video of the behaviour would also be helpful.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
these are my settings
and in the graph you see the peaks that's when it knocks.
It feels like the wheel losses connection for a split second but it only does it in raceroom no other game. so i don't thing it is power or usb port related.
thx for the reply
Hi Levi,
Please provide your Fanatec Tuning Menu settings as well.
Hey here are tuning settings.
FF 100%
DRI -3
FEI 50
FOR 100
DPR 90
BLI 100
SHO 100%