Does this sound normal (DD1)?

My DD1 makes a jackhammer noise under certain conditions. During normal use, this normally happens during a crash or jolt. This is the first DD wheel I've owned and, up until a few days ago, used. SO, I assumed this was normal.

Last week, I had the opportunity to try someone else's wheelbase (Simucube 2) and I couldn't believe the difference. Compared to my podium, it not only felt dramatically smoother, bet sounded much smoother as well.

I know the Simucube is considered a higher end wheel base, but I've watched a bunch of reviews and comparisons, and the DD1 always scores respectably and none have mentioned the dramatic difference in feel that I experienced.

This has led me to believe that my DD1 is not working correctly or has an issue and has since day 1. This is not a new things, it has always felt this way.

I've found that I can replicate the Jack hammer noise I'm referring to by running the "FFB test: in the "Fanatec Wheel Properties" on the "Function Test page".

Here's a video of the test and the resulting noise. This sounds the same no matter which of my 3 wheels I have attached, and I do have the locking screw in the quick release.

Fanatec DD1 Noise - YouTube

I'd appreciate it if any other DD1/DD2 owners could chime in to let me know if this seems normal? I'd love to see a video of another users wheel base doing the same test.



  • edited October 2021

    That sounds absolutely normal, yes.

    It's the Wheel Side QR System (the metal spring inside the QR sleeve).

    You can make it less noisy by using the optional QR Fixation screw which came with the DD but you will never get rid of that jackhammer noise completely as it's just the Design of the Fanatec QR.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I thought that might be causing the problem, so I did use the screw in the video. I even put some silicone tubing in the screw to dampen the QR collar around it. It Doesn't seem to make a difference at all

  • edited October 2021

    Mhm but still that sounds absolutely fine. Every Fanatec Base makes that noise when you do the brutal FFB Test in the driver.

  • Cory AveryCory Avery Member
    edited October 2021

    Well, I'm glad to hear that it is normal. It will be interesting to see if the QR2 will reduce the noise.

  • That FFB test, most definitely is brutal, lol.

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