Gran Turismo DD Pro - The wheel everybody was asking for



  • Standalone wheelbase will be available for March 4th? 😊


  • Thanks Thomas & Fanatec, great product. Look forward to this & GT7 in March... unless GT gets delayed :(

  • Will it be possible to order without VAT for European Users on the 26th ?

  • Hello, what is the diference, the CSL DD have USB DATA, and the DD PRO don't have this ...

  • Thanks for the PS5 compatibility! Question - will the table clamp be included in the Premium Bundle - as it is not on the picture!

    What I don´t like are the only 28 cm for the wheel.

  • The table clamp is part of both the 699 and the 849 packages, and it is shown in both images.

  • Sorry — Not shown in the Premium 969 (Premium) image!

  • Thanks for the reply Dom. this seems really wasteful though. Perhaps it’s out of your control, as Sony/logistics ended up this way. But is there anything that can be done about this? Lots of people will end up with a power supply doing nothing? No one will buy it second hand as it’s the standard issue. It feels especially bad to ship around extra weight/plastics/components when people (or maybe just me haha) may even feel a little bit guilty buying consumer electronics with the current global climate issues.

    I’m sorry to hear of you are all stuck with this issue dues to logistics issues or Sony issues.

    i hope there’s a possibility of sorting this out before shipment. I guess they are already on board to their final distribution points though! 🤪

  • Robert SRobert S Member
    edited November 2021


    saving money is ok. saving the environment is better. feeling a bit guilty ordering the 8nm.

  • Unfortunately we are not planning to sell this wheel separate and therefore you can either buy the complete set or the wheel base standalone

  • edited November 2021

    Nice, can’t wait for the stand alone version 😃 (base+wheel, without pedals)

  • edited November 2021

    That wont happen. It's planned to be a standalone Version of the Base with the Boost Kit for 600€ but without wheel, without Table Camp and without pedals - just the base with the big PSU to power it up.

    The wheel also wont be sold separately.

  • Oh oké then I misunderstood but that would be fine to. As long as it still is PlayStation compatible. I have a CSW set so then I only have to exchange the bases and have PC, XBOX and PS play options 😃

  • 600 for Base with Boost Kit?

    450 for 5Nm Base? 100 more than CSL DD?

    120 more then a CSL DD with Boost Kit?

    Wow 🤔

  • Does anyone know if this Gran Turismo DD Pro will be compatible with the. Playseat Challenge ?

  • Well, despite what I wrote in my previous post... I just ordered the 8nM bundle.

    I have plans for two rig setups and I’ll surely go for The future standalone CSL DD Pro wheelbase, but with The V3 pedal complete set.

    I absolutely love my CSL Elite for Ps4 along with The LC pedal loadset, The P1 Alcantara rim has served me so well for years, and The formula V2.5x is a dream wheel for me...but I had The chance to test a DD2 and now I can’t wait to have a Csl DD base at home.

    I’ll probably pass The csl Elite setup to a friend when csl dd arrives.

    and yes, This GT wheel may not satisfy me but it’s also true that I did play a lot with GTSport and The P1 rim.... so having a dedicated rig for gt7 and this wheel it will be even better!



  • Hugo CasteloHugo Castelo Member
    edited November 2021

    Yes, use this configuration. It's the same the CSL ELITE BASE PS4.


  • Will the Podium Racing Wheel F1 also be supported natively in Gran Turismo 7 or will it only work in compatibility mode / emulate the Gran Turismo DD Pro?

  • Further to this, I see people complaining about a delay with the CSL DD 5nm version. I’m happy to sell on my 5nm from my GT DD Pro if Fanatec ships the CSL DD without a power supply to those who want to get it a bit earlier. (Currently 5nm is showing a June 17th availability, while 8nm is in January)

  • And don’t get me wrong, I’m still super excited about your product! 🤩

  • Meanwhile, we are close to februari and still no answers to when the base only will be available to preorder and when it will be delivered. GT7 is a little more than a month away and it would be nice if we get some answers when we can buy it. Will the Base only be available soon, like within 2 weeks, to preorder or do we have to wait several months for it to become available? I am willing to spend 50€ extra for the express delivery, if you would make the base only with 8NM powersupply available now, so I can start with the new base on the game (and also the ACC PS5 update)

    Don't keep us in the dark and let us know asap when we can buy the Base only...

  • Hi, when we can expect DD PRO base alone with boost to 8Nm?

  • Any update on the status of Sony approving the SKU for a DD Pro base, without the wheel and pedals?

  • I second this. I have no need for the whole bundle, since I already have the V3 pedals with BPK and damper and a decent wheel. The wheel is not to my liking. So I only need the base, but it would be nice to be able to get the base as soon as possible, without scrapers getting the stock before normal returning customers. I would love to have a GT DD PRO base only with the 8NM Powersupply and as soon as possible to get going.

  • edited February 2022

    It is like shouting into an empty cave, you only hear yourself. Fanatec should make work of the base only or at least let us know if it comes available soon or we are expected to wait for x months for it to come. The whole "we are waiting on Sony's approval" is ****, the exact same base comes with the package. If Sony indeed is the one to say when it can be sold, they should at least let us know when that decision is meant to come. Not only do we get the PS compatible way later than the PC/Xbox version, we also don't even get a date when the base only will be available. Way to let existing customers down. Especially when saying it comes before release of GT7 in this blog, but that ship has sailed already...

  • Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator

    Hi Marc,

    The whole 'waiting on Sony's approval' is 100% accurate. We have always had the intention to ship the base alongside the launch of GT7. This situation has not changed.

    [Fanatec Community Manager]

  • Let's hope we can buy the stand alone wheelbase the first half of March.

    Please fix the site also. Some of us can not edit the shopping cart. In my case i can not put anything in my cart in order to buy it...... It's been about two weeks almost.....

  • Marc, isn't it obvious that "Sony approval" means that GT bundles need to be sold first and than standalone base can go to sale? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Here to wait for an update.

  • Whatever the reason is, I am feeling less and less compelled to buy it. Wheel support is even worse in GT 7 than it was in GT Sport and that was not very good to begin with. Still can't map half of the buttons, switches and rotaties on my V2 wheel, why should I buy a new base? I was told by someone from Fanatec that we would get news very soon about the Base only and timing is extremely tight and they might not get the packages in time to the customer before GT 7 release. That was more than a week ago. Asked again about it 2 days ago, no new info.

    GT 7 is live, got my first 900km in, using the dualsense controller. Will use my rig today, but if support is worse than in GT Sport, I might consider selling it all. Controller is very nice implemented, you can feel the TC and ABS in the triggers. Don't know what Fanatec is seeing in this partnership except for the GT DD Pro package. Support of your gear should get better, not worse. I bought my rig to get immersion in Gran Turismo. I get that GT Sport did not have full support of Fanatec gear, because PD partnered with Thrustmaster for this game. But now support is still nothing more than basic in GT 7. What happened here? Does Fanatec want to sell gear or not? Yesterday more than half of my online friends were playing GT 7 and most of them don't have a wheel. I would not recommend Fanatec to them at the moment. At least not for this game...

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