Black Friday 2021 deals are now live, and the Gran Turismo DD Pro is available for pre-order!

The upcoming CSL Steering Wheel P1 V2 will be our lowest priced wheel at 119.95€, and we’re doing a special introductory price just for Black Friday at 99.95€. This Black Friday edition is available in very limited numbers. It has a different grip texture compared to the standard version, otherwise the specifications are the same.
This also means that the bar to enter our eco system has been set much lower now as the most affordable wheels so far were at 199,95.
The CSL Steering Wheel R300 is a combination of the CSL Universal Hub and Podium Wheel Rim R300, which is a 100€ or 33% discount. This deal will only be active for the Black Friday weekend.
We’re also introducing the final products to complete the CSL Pedals line-up: the Load Cell Kit and the Tuning Kit! The CSL Pedals Load Cell Kit also has a special introductory price at 119.95€, just for Black Friday. Once this offer ends, the Load Cell Kit will be 139.95€, but we will continue to offer a bundle with the CSL Pedals + Load Cell Kit for 199.95€.
The CSL Pedals Tuning Kit is now available for pre-order for 34.95€. These elegant aluminium plates add the finishing touch to your CSL Pedals. They look and feel really great.
And of course we have launched the Gran Turismo DD Pro and its various bundles, due to ship in March 2022, plus an Express version sent by air freight to arrive before Christmas.
Many people are asking for the standalone Wheel Base of the GT DD Pro and we are very close to finalize the licensing agreement with Sony. Therefore I cannot officially announce anything but the plan is to sell this base with the Boost kit 180 for 599,95 and make it also available for the launch of GT7 in March.
We are anticipating a huge amount of traffic, and we will be carefully monitoring the site throughout the day and through the weekend. The Black Friday Sale will end on Tuesday morning CET.
Good luck!
- What is your favourite GT DD Pro Version?26 votes
- Regular GT DD Pro with delivery around the launch of GT7  7.69%
- GT DD Pro with express delivery before Christmas  7.69%
- GT DD Pro Premium bundle with load cell and boost kit19.23%
- GT DD Pro Wheel Base only65.38%
Exciting & looking forward to this! I ordered mine!
One very strong suggestion - please do not make a mistake with the DD Pro express orders, for United States, you need to bump up shipping to 2-day or ensure the first batch goes out your doors and in hands of FedEx on way to customers on the east coast of US by 9/13 (Not 9/17), You need to blast them through you internal processing delays that are approx 5 business days, and you need to buffer for FedEx dragging their feet and taking more than 5 days to deliver.. FedEx from California to East Coast is 7-9 business days, you need to account for that.
With Christmas being on a Saturday and a non-deliverable day, you need to have them on the east coast and out for deliver by Thursday 9/23 with 9/24 as a local delivery buffer day.
Charging $191.00 in shipping for the DD PRO and committing to “By Christmas” is only acceptable if you will do everything in your power to have it “In Hands” by 9/24, not “out Fanatec’s door”. From a PR and customer trust perspective, don’t go anywhere near attempting to blame FedEx or Covid if you miss 9/24 delivery, even by a day.
I suggest you really plan out the days, logistics, your processing times, delivery times, buffers… you can avoid a ton of hassle and backlash if you just bump up US east coast orders to 2-day air, it will only cost you ~$10.00 USD to avoid a nightware situation of missing Christmas.
Super excited, I’m new to sim racing and this is my first plunge into it! Can’t wait! And thank you for making such an amazing piece of technology!
"sell this base with the Boost kit 180 for 599,95" ...upps the CSL DD 8NM is 479. 120 more for the PS version base???
Base with the Boost kit 180 for 599,95 and it include Gran Turismo wheel? Or the GT wheel will be sold separately?
Thank you!
Will the GT DD Pro bundles be more expensive after black friday deals?
Its for the Base alsone, hence the name Standalone. The GT wheel will not be sold seperately according to a confirmation from Thomas here in the forums.
Wow, I clearly was tired @ 5am, Ha! I put 9 instead of 12 for the month!
Base + wheel 600 euros? It is not clear to me
Wheel Base + Boost Kit 180 is the planned package. The steering wheel, pedal set, and table clamp that comes with the normal Gran Turismo DD Pro package will not be included. This product is subject to final approval from Sony Interactive Entertainment.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
Hi Dominic,
Can you explain what "This product is subject to final approval from Sony Interactive Entertainment."
What happens if it is not approved by Sony?
Only the Wheel Base cannot be sold?
Hi Cristian,
We are confident that it will be approved, due to the fact that it only contains components that have already passed. But it is a different SKU, and therefore it needs a separate approval loop. The reason why it takes time is because the approval process is very thorough (it can also vary per region). For example we might receive feedback on packaging, documentation, and so on, that can cause delays.
Will you be trying to offer the Base only with 5nm kit?
Some of us can't deal with the extra power of the 8nm boost kit.
The Name Says it all
Unfortunately not in the near future. You either move to CSL DD or you turn down the FF on the GT DD Pro
Curious as to why the Csl DD pro with boost kit will be at $599.95 when the CSL DD + Boost kit is $479? Seems sony users are getting the dirty end of the stick in that regard, but I will say still very excited these will be available.
I really do not understand why are you forcing us to buy CSL DD PRO with kit for 599€. Why there will be no option just to buy a base without a boost kit for example 450€ - 500€ or something like this. You company is becoming really greedy. And that is something that is usually not associated with Fanatec.... But looks like that something is changing in your company.
I made an order for CSL DD PRO but later i cancelled the order, because more I thought worse it was. I would get CSL DD Base, table clamp, plastic rim, CSL Pedals. And only thing from this package that I would need is a base. I could send all the other stuff back to your warehouse.
I own different rims, pedals, Wheelbase, etc... And there is always something strange, when you want to buy some of your product.... You are always talking about ECOSYSTEM, but in the end your company market decisions are not supporting that.
If everything was right, I could choose the base, rim, pedals, shifter which you want to buy and put in the shopping cart. But that is not the case.
You want to play on PS5 CSL DD? You have to buy full package. You can buy CSL DD PRO without boost kit, but then you can not buy just a wheelbase without boost kit. Or you could buy DD1 PS4 with f1 rim, it does not matter that I already own F1 Clubsport V2 wheel. And you will be paying again for something you do not need or already have.
I am sorry to point that out, but I think if you want to do just more money, you got other fairer option to do that.
Best regards.
It feels like PlayStation users are being screwed over here. We won't have the option to buy the base without the boost kit, and the base with the boost kit will be €120 more than the CSL DD which is basically the same hardware. Why?
Why not? We can buy the GT bundle without the boost kit, and the regular CSL DD without the boost kit. Why is the DD Pro base any different?
For some people this makes the difference between the setup being affordable or not.
fanatec, please acknowledge if you will be doing something for your customers who placed an express DD Pro orders to have it arrive by Christmas as you stated it would. Right now your dates DO NOT line up at all. You charged $185 for express shipping but at your current rate of making delivers its 9-10 business days from date you “complete processing” to the time it actually ships and delivers.
I placed on order on 11/25, you processed it as complete on 11/25, it took until 12/1 for it to actually get tracking and ship, and the ETA via FedEx ground is 12/9. I placed an order 2 weeks ago, and it took the same lead times of 10 business days.
Following those examples, if the DD Pro arrives to you and is processed all on 12/17, that means it wont actually ship out of your warehouse until 12/23 or 12/24, and since you ship via ground (and offer no other options) anywhere in the country (USA) besides southern California, its 2-6 days transit time. Which means you will MISS YOUR EXPRESS SHIPPING COMMITMENT YOU MADE WITH ALL PACKAGES NOT BEING DELIVERED UNTIL EARLIEST of 12/27 for west coast USA, and likely 12/31 for east coast USA.
Please make the necessary arrangements NOW while you know you are going to fail on your commitments and figure out how to slash your 5 day internal shipping delay and bump everyone to 2-day FedEx shipping which should cost you only $10.00 usd. Very small price on a $850 item and to ensure you deliver on your commitments.
I can promise you that failing to meet your express shipping commitments will result in a significant backlash from your customers, and in many cases, such as mine - I will dispute the $185 shipping charge since you didn’t make your commitment of delivery in time for Christmas. Please don’t blame covid, logistics or FedEx for you not preparing and planning.
please step up, acknowledge, and respond accordingly.
Please fanatec, do not let us wait longer...come with the base only . Don't like the steering wheel. Want to drive with a real fanatec wheel😉
You guys need to understand that it costs money to license a product there for is going to be more expensive. They also had to change a few things on the design, etc. Fanatec could change the price to $800 for all Xbox, PC and PS and be done with but Fanatec is such a good company that’s is transferring all the savings to the consumer. The fact is that it cost more money to license a product from PS so be happy you can get this type of wheel base and not the gear one or belt one for this price.
Fanatec - Thank you for bringing such fine products to the Sim Racing world. And by disrupting the market to bring Direct Drive to a wider audience, making it much more affordable. Even with the extra cost of licensing the base, it’s easily HALF the cost of what I was expecting to spend. You have sent other manufacturers scurrying back to the drawing board.
I understand the extra costs involved, and appreciate that when I look back over the years, just how far we’ve come; there realism and level of immersion your products help to convey compared to yesteryear. If this is the price of admission, I’m okay with it. I couldn’t come close to paying for half of a track day at this price.
So sorry for the whining of others. Press on regardless.
Now my question; will the base accept most wheels that Fanatec offer? For starters, my P1 from my CSL Elite/PS4?
Thanks again.