RFactor2 does not detect CSL DD
Bruce Hopkins
in rFactor
I cannot drive in RF2 because it does not detect the wheel base. No steering. CSL DD works fine in ACC, AMS2 and AC. Any thoughts?
You tried Yellow Compatibility Mode?
No I have not. I am on PC. I guess that should be added.
It is already added to the Recommended FFB page of rF2... ;)
Thanks. Your suggestion worked. Go to yellow light compatibility mode. In game choose Fanatec CSW v2.5 and the game detects the CSL DD.
Can not detect CSL DD ????
matter what I do, it does not work
Yellow Compatibility Mode is not work
If fanatec dd pro is not recognized, after checking yellow mode(pc comp mode), you have to manually input the rf2 option menu - assign controller - throttle, brake, wheel left and right keys.
I would like to buy rfactor 2 but reading above I notice that the csl gt dd has compatibility problems… can someone tell me if things have improved or if in pc mode (red led) something improves thank you very much if anyone replies
It hasn't improved, it's still the same. I don't play rFactor 2 anymore. The new Le Mans Ultimate has the same engine as rfactor 2 and will have the same incompatibility.
Whose fault is it? From Fanatec or Studio 397
No ha mejorado, sigue igual. Yo ya no juego a rFactor 2. El nuevo Le Mans Ultimate tiene el mismo motor que rfactor 2 y tendrá la misma incompatiblidad.
¿De quién es la culpa? De Fanatec o de Studio 397
Después de investigar bastante he podido encontrar la solución:
Abrimos Programas (x86)\Fanatec\Fanalab\Control\Plugins y abrimos esa carpeta de Plugins.
Copiamos el DLL rFactorpodium64 en la carpeta de rfactor2\Bin64\Plugins.
Reiniciamos rFactor2 y sorpresa: FUNCIONAN TODOS LOS LED
Espero haber ayudado a los usuarios de RFactor 2
How do you input the rf2 option menu?