Forza Horzion 5 freezes/carshes because of fanatec wheels! CSL DD and CSL Elite and more

Hi there,
I will expain my problem, but i want to start saying that i am def not the only one! So i put some Reddit links bellow. So whats the problem.
When playing forza horizon 5 the game crashes. This happens well playing the prologue part. And also at the end of races. The game just freezes and thats it. I need to ALT-F4 myself out of the game.
I have a CSL Elite with clubsport V3 padelset. A 6900XT with 16gig ram and a 5800X CPU. I play at steam.
Alot of people online speak about freezes, but this problem has to do with the fanatec wheel. What did i try to fix the problems?
-repiar the game
-turn off firewall/antivirus
-update drivers (graphicscard, windows, fanatec)
-uninstall and instal the game
-Format my whole computer and reinstall everything fresh
So how do i know this problem is caused bij fanatec wheel. Well, the problem was gone as soon as i unplugged all my fanatec gear. More people have this problem (see link).
I don't know if the problem is caused by the Fanatec gear/software, or that its a game problem. But i post it here because it is linked to the fanatec gear. So for everybody with the same problem, you now know how to fix it. And for fanatec, please look in to this asap. Because playing with a wheel is way more fun ass you know! ;)
Yes the game is quite a bit bugged.
Needs a Major Patch from the game Dev to fix these issues hopefully soon, maybe with a Day1 Patch for the "official" launch...
Got this too in forza horizon 4 , playing it woth controller for a while ..
A bunch of us are having the same issue. Hopefully it can be resolved via a game update or Fanatec driver update, depending on where the issue lies. XINPUT controllers seem to be working, so it may have to do with the control method used to interface with the game.
Some links for reference:
The problem is on the Forza Horizon side. Other wheels from Logitech and Thrustmaster suffer from the same issue.
Here is a workaround:
SOLUTION - WORKAROUND: Fanatec wheel users with constant crashing : ForzaHorizon (
Guys, i have a better sollution! The workaround works, but also is alot of hasle.
Just roll your fanatec driver back to version 356. And the problem is gone! i tried driver
402, 410, 412, 415, 428. But all have the crash problem. 356 works just fine!
So uninstall your fanatec drivers (not fanalab if you have this program). Then instal version 356 and reboot and your good to go.
Yeah but then with every other game, you're now using old drivers as well. I don't think that's ideal.
I'll wait for a proper patch from the devs. I've always felt like FH was meant to be played with a controller anyway.
Does this work with wheels newer than the driver e.g the CSL DD?
This isnt the solution, and i even if i wanted to do this, my CSL DD post-dates all those drivers.
There are other boards with pages of folks still having issues with Fanatec products and FH5. Can we get an official update at all? Even if its just 'we're working on it'?
The official update was given you by the Developers of Forza Horizon 5 as it's purely a game related issue not only affecting Fanatec users but also Logitech and Thrustmaster.
They wanted to fix it with a game Patch last week but found an issue with the Patch which needs further testing so the release of the Patch was postponed for this week. So you see, "they are working on it".
Follow the official Forza Support on Twitter to stay up-to-date.
I spot the answer from korean fanatec community. that might be from your findings.
It works good for me.
The first after release patch is available as of now, lets hope the wheel issues are resolved.
i'm still crashing on a CSL DD after the patch...
Same here after the today patch with CSL DD, freezes every time if I try to load a car
Yeah, same, such a disappointment.
podium racing wheel f1 still freeze and crash after fh5 update T__T
Still crashing as I'm try to switch cars. I was truly looking forward to play this game. I'll probably die from cancer before they fix this....
Hello, in nvidia panel, desktop resolution try to put 60hz , the game was constantly crashing for me too before that change...
I'm running 4k monitors. It's already set to that. I'm going to try 59hz or probably wait till the next update.
After 3 hours playing without any problem the game start crashing again...
Try to roll back to 356 driver, in saw this solution in a YouTube video and for the moment it works for me with a csl dd base in comp mode.
In other post people says driver 346 works too.
I know this is not the best solution but is better than cant play..
Only tested 2 hours, i will post here if the problem appear again.
You know I mostly hold turn 10 accountable for this. But if going to an older driver fixes the issue that means it's a driver compatibility problem. Granted t10 should have tested it and gotten it straightened out but there are so many other bugs I can see why this one fell between the cracks.
I would expect fanatec to be working on a driver update if they know the older driver works and the newer one doesn't. The problem is very easily repeatable, most people can't play 10 minutes without crashing. it seems like they could look through the code and determine what the problem is.
Millions of people are playing this game and so many have bought new fanatec hardware, especially during covid, you think they would make the effort to get this squared away on their end. They could be the hero in this situation.
Fanatec wont provide a new driver update when it's up to Forza Game Developers to adapt to new driver features / to implement the Driver / SDK properly when the Game Developers Already confirmed the Known issues and promised they are working on a fix with a game Patch. Makes no Sense to waste development time of Fanatec to Build the driver back to 3 years earlier.
Oh I definitely agree it's on turn 10. But it does make sense for fanatec to consider fixing it if they can. doesn't mean they have to turn it back 3 years. they can implement something moving forward and include it with one of their update patches. And the reason it's important for them to consider doing that is word all over the internet is you can't use fanatec wheels with Horizon 5, which means less sales. so financially it's a smart decision if it's something they can fix without too much effort.
Just because someone is more responsible doesn't mean you should sit around and wait until they do it, otherwise it may never happen...
Well, only the game Developers know (or should know) what they did wrong with driver/SDK implementation.
Fanatec cant fix something they dont know of.
And also it still makes no Sense to waste development time into this when maybe in 2 weeks or whatever time the devs need the game gets it fixed with a game Patch.
Fanatec is pushing for a game Patch and that's all they can do. All other games work fine so it's a clear game issue and.only the game Developers can know what they did wrong and they are the only one who can fix this because from a driver perspective there is simply no issue which could be fixed because on the driver side nothing is broken. It's the game which is broken.
Oh and btw, also Logitech and Thrustmaster users complain about crashes. It's not exclusive to Fanatec wheels.
I got the GT Pro DD 2 days ago, ever since Forza 4 and 5 crash after almost every race. Neither game crashed even once with my previous Thrustmaster 248.
I find it a bit hard to believe that there's nothing Fanatec could do about the issue. Even if Forza 5 got patched, the issue would still exist in Forza 4, so I think it would make sense for Fanatec to look into the issue as well.
For FH4 it will be the same root cause which also only the game Developers can fix.
I just hope someone will fix it, the DD Pro is so much fun when it works in Forza 4/5.
Fwiw I can play forza 7 for hours without a single crash with the same setup on PC.
Looks like I jumped to conclusions. After trying several things to get Forza 4 running without crashing on Steam, I installed the GamePass version, and was able to immediately complete 3 races in a row. Whatever the issue is, it's connected to the Steam version.
Do you mean Horizon 4? Forza 4 is an old xbox 360 game that was not available on PC