Difference in Bitrate (Direct connection to PC or via base)
Rick Dubbink
Hi. I've always been using the pedals by directly connecting them to my PC instead of the wheelbase itself, I remember someone saying something about a difference in bitrate between using a direct connection VS the wheelbase, where a direct connection would give a higher bitrate, and thus a better brake... Fluidness? Anyway. I doubt it makes any difference, but I'd love to know if this is the case as I recently got myself a rig, and running the cable straight to the wheelbase would make life a million times easier.
Which pedals are you using?
CSL Elite LC
Then its correct that with a USB connection the Load Cell has a higher bitrate of 16bit vs. 12bit when connected to the Base. Note that this only affects the Load Cell Brake, not the other two axes for Clutch and Throttle, they are always 12bit.
If you can really feel the difference though... I know I cant and for ease of use and to get BRF in the Tuning Menu I always connect to Base directly.
For all other pedal sets it doesnt matter how you connect them, its only the CSL Elite Load Celll which has a higher bitrate.
I see. Thanks a lot!