QR2 happening in 2022?

Curious to know if the QR2 will actually release this year. New wheels and DD bases are being marketed which makes me think the QR2 is on the back burner right now. How long should I wait before upgrading the QR1 Lite that comes with the McLaren wheel? Any new info is appreciated


  • Been wondering the same thing myself. I'd like to, at some point, upgrade the QR1 Lite that I have with my McLaren wheel. But I'm not about to go and drop money on the metal QR, only to do a facepalm when with my luck, the QR2 will be released the following day.

  • Will be second half of the year if it does arrive. The new BMW wheel i being launched without it - even though it is included in the price that customers are paying for the preorder. Welcome to Fanatec's shady business practices - customer pays now, they deliver months later. I wonder how much customers capital they have banked on pre-orders, it will be millions.

  • What's new with QR2 though? Any info anywhere?

    And why would I want it?

  • Also would like to know this. I want to purchase the McLaren GT3 wheel but was told you needed the upgraded QR1 wheel-side to unlock high torque mode. Is it worth paying the extra money for this or will the QR2 provide this?

  • Wondering this also, everyone is assuming it will be better in some way but personally I do t have any issues with my aluminium Clubsport QR.

  • Also would like to know why i would want QR2 for all my wheels as i am totally happy with the aluminium/metal QR1.

    But i am no pro by all means, so it is quite possible i am missing something there.

  • Psql .Psql . Member
    edited February 2022

    If you are already happy with Metal QR1, no need to wait on the QR2.

    Seeing the price of a single QR1, a wheel side QR2 will not be any cheaper plus you also need to have a base side part and a base that allows to change the QR on the wheel base, like DD1 or DD2 or the CSL DD. The base side QR will probably be even more expensive. If I need to guess a QR2 upgrade for a CSL DD and one wheel will probably be the same price as a CSL DD costs on it’s own.

    But on my DD1 it could use a upgrade. Even with the rubber it’s not play free and a wheel is difficult to attach or remove. With this new QR2 you would expect they created something play free and easy to remove.

    What Gagaryn said I would not guess any release in H1 of 2022 because they already said the BMW M4 wheel will not have the QR2 in the box but will be shipped later. Everything is delayed at Fanatec side so a release in H1 2023 also sounds possible…

  • David ChiengDavid Chieng Member
    edited February 2022

    You can see some are having problems with the clamp not holding the base shaft quite well or problems with it and so hopefully QR2 will make it more reliable.

    I do not have any problems with the clamp on my CSL DD but I only own 1 steering wheel and so have not had to swap wheels for any reason since I got it in Oct 2021. But that is what a QR is suppose to do isn't it? Swap wheels easily? And does swapping wheels make it more susceptible to problems with the clamp?

    Have not read anything from Fanatec about what was really wrong when there were problems with the clamp not holding the steel shaft in correctly. Just us all speculating.

  • The update is more found in the QR part between steering wheel and QR on the base. The clamp part that clamps the QR to the motor axle will probably be exactly the same. So people with CSL DD that have problems with the motor axle will probably not solve anything by upgrading to the QR2.

    On DD1 or DD2 the clamb on the metal motor axle is no issue at all and not comparable to what we see with the problems of the Carbon axle of the CSL DD.

  • If Fanatec was at all concerned with customer satisfaction and product reliability the QRLite would not be on the market and the QR2 would be a top priority. Let them the deny the first couple of warranty claims -for bent pins caused by the QRlite- for sim racers who also happen to be attorneys and see what happens.

    I gotta say; I am not impressed with Fanatec at all. It's run like a startup that's manned by a bunch of twenty year olds.

  • Pau OPau O Member

    The reason for that is that the plastic qr (qr lite) would break. Any metal qr (qr1/qr2) will unlock high torque but only on the dd1 and dd2 as the other bases are not capable of more torque

  • Pau OPau O Member

    Qr2 is supposed to not have any play at all. That would be the reason to upgrade

  • Reason to change - I hear those clonks when hitting curbs


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