problemas con dd1 f1 ps4 vol2
Ivan Garrido
fanatec returned my ps4 dd1 telling me that the steering wheel worked perfectly, i installed it today after formatting and i still have the same problem.... i am considering the option i lost my money. This is very frustrating, I have put the new 436 driver and nothing. In the photos I show that I tried it on different PCs with the same error
Add that the steering wheel turns on the screen, the steering wheel does not move and after a few seconds the screen turns off, luckily according to fanatec technicians, they say that the steering wheel is working fine. I start to get pissed off
Did you send them the steering wheel or the base?
Because a not working WQR has nothing to do with the steering wheel but is 100% a Base issue so the Base would need to be sent in for repair.
Independently of this, did you already tried different USB Ports and maybe also a different PC?
I sent you everything, steering wheel, paddles, base, high torque wrench, power supply, original box, everything
You did not sent ME anything actually...😅
error with the translator sorry, I meant that I sent to fanatec
yes, i tried different usb before and after as well as different pc, in the attached files you can see