CSL pedals (with Loadcell) not working on new DD Pro

Actually, the loadcell brake is working perfectly, but when I depress the throttle pedal - nothing.
I've connected the loadcell by the RJ12 to the throttle, and then the throttle to the base/pedal.
Don't know what other configuration I could have. Figuring the loadcell is working fine, and the only connection it could 'see' is via the throttle, that connection must be working. I.e. the wheelbase recognises the brake, so it must recognise the throttle pedal (after all, the loadcell signal is going through it!).
Do I have a mapping problem? I have not touched the settings at all. Dodgy throttle?
By the way, the wheel is working just fine, so the signal from it to the PS5 must be working. Very happy with the limited time on track, tho. I start a race, can steer, but car grinds to a halt because of lack of throttle input.
"I've connected the loadcell by the RJ12 to the throttle, and then the throttle to the base/pedal."
You should take a look at the Quick Guide or Manual of the Load Cell Kit where the connection is described and pictured.
The LC has to be connected to the "Wheel Base / Load Cell" Port of the Throttle and then from the LC you have to connect it to the Base, not from the Throttle.
Hi Maurice.
It didn't fix the problem. I'm gonna have to wait for Fanatec 'support' to call me, or get someone to actually connect it for me. Gawd, I've connected so many pieces of computer peripherals before!
I just might pay some geek to come around and connect it. I just couldn't be arsed any more :-(
Thanks for your advice, though!
Go do something else. Come back again when you are less frustrated and have more patience.
You have to unscrew all 3 pedals from the base plate and check the connections again. Refer to diagram Maurice linked.
Hi, I have the same problem as Stephen. Tomorrow GT7 areives and its not working. Does Fanatec read this Forum or do I have ro contact them separatly.
New to the forum here, so hello. I cannot seem to get my pedals to work either. Connected and reconnected three time and nothing. Anyone have any advice? I have the standard CSL pedals with the GT DD Pro.
The PC version of Assetto Corsa is available without problems.
I am stuck in a situation where the accelerator and brake do not respond when connecting to PS5 for the first time in Gran Turismo 7 with DDPRO.
If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know.
PC driver 439 FANALAB V1.63
Is there a problem with "Not Available CSL Pedals" in the FANALAB V1.63 image?
I will also upload a picture of the connection status.
If there are any mistakes, please point them out.
When △ is pressed, the gas pedal moves with R.
If anyone can solve this problem, please let me know.
That's normal
Fanalab shows not available When no pedals are connected to the Base, hence the additional (Wheel Base) in the description.
Dear Maurice Böschen, Thank you very much.
I understand that it is normal on PC.
I only have a PS5 with Gran Turismo, so I am not sure if the problem is with DDPRO or Gran Turismo, so I would appreciate your continued advice on how to solve this problem.
Disconnect everything.
Start: Clutch to throttle. Then throttle to brake. Last brake to wheel base. Your wheel base then will connect to PC only.
You cannot connect to PC and wheel base at the same time.
Mine do not work either. nobody told me that I would need a computer to update the firmware before using the new DD bundle, I don't know if that would even make it work. I waited months for this and now it is just an expensive pile of crap on the floor. Frustration is at an all time high, I feel like if I type out what I really want to say, I will probably get booted off of here. I guess I will just keep using my logitec wheel. FF
You dont NEED a PC to update before use.
Everything will already work right out of the box.
But you dont even say what is not working... If you could at least go into more detail what your Problem is then maybe someone can help you but with such little Info you cant expect any helpful answer.
I tried the road pedal again as illustrated but it does not work in Gran Turismo 7.
Usually with CSL Pedal, Gran Turismo 7 works.
I do not think it is a malfunction, but I would appreciate any further advice so that I can use the load cell brake.
I wired everything up and I am not getting any response from the throttle pedal. the brake works fine as well as the steering and shifting and all buttons. Am I doing something wrong?
The clutch is on the left, it is connected to the throttle on the right. The throttle is then connected to the load cell in the middle which is connected to the wheel base.
I am thinking that the throttle is broken, which is too bad because I was exited about this stuff and now experiencing profound disappointment.
I have a request for help ticket thing in at Fanatec.
The wire connecting, your load cell to your base, do make sure it is plug in the port which says “wheel base”?
In ACC, I had to select a box to invert the throttle, to make it work.
I tried again to wire the image but could not.
The wire connecting the load cell was connected to the wheel base.
I reconnected the CSL pedal wires to the load cell wires and re-connected them, updated the driver again, etc., and now AAC is not working anymore.
Gran Turismo was working this morning with the standard pedals, but when I came home and checked the wiring and updated the drivers, all the pedals are not working.
Will I have to completely initialize the base or something to fix it?
When I use the road cell kit, Gran Turismo 7 doesn't respond to both the accelerator and brake.
The accelerator responds when used with the CSL pedal.
The brake does not move.
Brake pedal is not responding.
Lower connection state Disconnecting the brake cable shows the state in the photo below.
The brake is not playable at all because the brake is depressed.
I do not know what is broken.
Please help me.
I think you may have to create a support ticket. There might be some problem with your pedals.
This is only half the story. Users will need a PC to apply regular updates otherwise they will be stuck on launch firmware. That is not advisable as unsurprisingly issues exist with these firmware. I would have thought that the product description would make it clear that a PC is needed for updates. If it does not mention this it should be added to the description as it is important.
Unfortunately this is not clear in the product description, it is unbelievable that I have to go out and buy a windows computer to update my system. The stress that all this has given me is more trouble than it is worth, the idea of a DD wheel is much better than actually owning one. Knowing what I know now, I would have saved my money. At this point I am quite unhappy with Fanatec, I was thinking that I would have a trouble free experience, but I was wrong.
Now I am waiting on a reply from Fanatec regarding my non working pedals. Hopefully I will get some help if they ever get around to providing some support.
Yup, I have no idea why you were told that you don't need a PC for updates. I agree that it should be made clear that this is essential.
I had some initial pedal hiccups when I received my GT DD Pro in early March. Finally got the standard pedal/throttle working on GTS. Played GT7 a couple of days, decided to try re-installing the Load cell brake pedal again, now throttle is inoperative. Tried to go back to standard brake pedal, throttle inoperative. Shut down, unplugged every cord, cable, power, etc on PS5 and GT DD pro… no luck. I expected this to work out of the box. My wife and I have MacBook pros, and don’t own PC’s. What kinda peasant hardware can only complete updates on a PC. Beyond frustrated.
Hi Did you get this resolved ?
As I have the same issue
I'm also having this issue- Accelerator and Clutch both are not engaging any input (either on PC or PS5). Load Cell is detected.
Same Issue here, just received my DD Pro premium bundle. Load cell is working, but I get no signal from the throttle. I have disconnected the clutch and updated everything to the latest firmware. Wired up everything as shown in the manual.
I have resorted to taking load cell off but but now the throttle is not giving full throttle and slightest moves of the cable stops it working altogether, and nothing from Fanatec either
I've submitted a Support Ticket. Waiting 7 days for an outcome.
Wonder if anyone else had a successful outcome?