DD1 Startup Issue (rotates multiple times)
Chris Gierse
Recently I started having an issue with my DD1 at startup. It will slowly rotate multiple revolutions than quickly rotate all the way back. After it does this , the screen on the DD1 displays a message that the base encountered multiple revolutions and to restart the base. Any ideas?
That's an indication that the sensor is broken and you have to contact the support.
Try another driver package. This is an issue Fanatec introduced into their official driver package quite recently. They do like to torment us.
Nope, it's not an issue Fanatec introduced in any recent driver lately.
When the wheel spins multiple turns on boot it has nothing to do with driver or Firmware, it's a broken calibration/position sensor.
You sure about that?
Marcel Pfister claims otherwise....
Mike Raven2 Feb 2022
I also got the exceeded max rotations notification yesterday. Fanatec you really need to help me out. I post a serveral discussions about this and nobody response.
I’ve got the high end product and i am not enjoying it at all. The only thing i am doing at the moment is praying if it won’t happen in a race.
My patience is running out.
So help me out.
Marcel Pfister Member, Administrator February 4
But we did response to many of such posts and we also tried to fix it in the last firmware, however it only seemed to have improved it slightly and did not fix it completely. because of that we are now again investigating and working on the next fix. If the message comes too often, you can go back to driver 415 where the message wasn't implemented yet.
Sorry for the inconvinience and that it can appear that nobody responses.
Yes I am sure and Marcel does not claim otherwise as that's a whole different thing where the message comes up for no reason during regular driving.
Here the OP gets the message after the base turned several Revolutions on boot which is a clear indication that the message is correct and intended to come up for a reason and the reason is a broken positional sensor. No Base should turn several Revolutions on boot, Maximum 1 full Rotation, that's it.
So the issue wont go away for the OP if he downgrades driver and firmware, his base would still turn several Revolutions on boot, just the message would not show up anymore and the user would have no idea what's going on.
I have no idea if its firmware or hardware. Knock on wood a restart takes care of the situation and I have never had a problem mid game. That does make me think going back a firmware version is worth a shot but I have no clue.
The only thing I have upgraded recently was Fanalab. I don't recall if it updated the driver when I did the upgrade or not.
Nothing is updated on it's own without you downloading anything so when you only updated Fanalab and you dont actively downloaded and manually also installed a new driver then also no new driver was updated.
Doesn't the OP say that it works fine after a restart? I can't understand how a restart would fix a faulty position sensor. Sounds like software issue to me. But what do I know.
I always had my wheel sensativity set to 1060 as well. Last week I changed it to auto. Coincidence? I may change it back to 1060 and see if that resolves the issue.
The OP does not say that with one word in the first post, no.
Also weird things can happen, a positional sensor can also be partially faulty and working 50% of the time. But when a base is turning several Revolutions when you power it on then this is 100% not Software but purely hardware related for sure and the only thing which can cause this is the positional sensor.
And it definitely has nothing to do with the newly added OLED message regarding exceeded Maximum Rotations, the only issue with this message is that it can be shown for no reasons with a low SEN value during regular driving (with everything still working fine and just the Text message coming up falsely).
I'm going to try reverting back software too. Nothing to loose. Is it the firmware I need to revert?
Yes, a restart fixes the issue.
You would need to downgrade the driver back to 415 and included Base and Motor Firmware, yes.
BTW which driver and firmware are you currently running in the first place?😅
That's a great question. I will look it up when I go home tonight and let you know.
Yup, if you are on a version after this bug was introduced then try rolling back to Driver 415 and the associated firmware. Makes little sense to me to immediately assume a hardware issue and be without a wheel for weeks when we know similar symptoms are caused by firmware. If you still have the issue on earlier Driver package, then Marcel is right and the base will need to go back. But despite his certainty, I don't believe we know this for sure yet.
I am using driver 429 with firmware 689 on the wheel base. How do I roll back? Uninstall and reinstall?
Uninstall existing driver 429. Install new driver 415 then manually install firmwares from that driver. Let us know the results.
Well, I don't want to jinx anything, but the driver/firmware roll back seems to have corrected the startup issue.
Hopefully it stays that way. :-)
So far so good. I have my fingers crossed. One thing I can tell you though is the old firmware and driver has a noticeably more "grainy" feeling than the newer driver.
Try increasing the FFB interpolation setting to reduce the grainy feeling.
Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try.