Latest firmware on CSL Pedals with load cell kit

Anyone know what the latest firmware is on the CSL Pedals with the load cell kit??
I know I have the latest frimware, but I would like to not have to dismantle the pedals from the rig just to be able to connect it with a USB for 2 seconds just to see the firmware numbers.... My rig is set up in a way that makes this job kind of a hassle. So if anyone knows this then I would be very thankful.
Need the numbers for a ticket to Fanatec. My DD Pro wheelbase FFB cuts out for a split second here and there. I have seen many people have problems with this. If it dosent get fixed really soon, then I will buy a Simucube instead. And Heusinkveld, and just about everything else actually.
CSL pedals LC1.6 as per driver 440.
been that for awhile. nothing much to tweak with pedals. which was what i had when i just sold my pedals to upgrade.
Thanks! :) But I dont have driver 440. It says that I have 439 and that its "up to date". Sure its still firmware 1.6 on the pedals then?
Definitely. Look at the driver 440 change log.
It has been 1.6 since driver 434 which is what i am using for my CSL DD.
I understand :)
Question, should I update to the 440 driver? If so, how do I do this? Apparently it is not the "standard" automatic way 🤷♂️
Do not update for now. There is a new driver coming out. Most probably it will not affect your pedals. More for your base and wheels.
As your GT DD Pro cuts out for a split second, are you still able to use your base?
Fanatec support is not responding to queries atm and their email inbox is full, so you will have to wait.
I see, well I guess I'll wait then lol :D
Yeah thats the strange part. The wheel and buttons still "functions". Only without any FFB at all. Its only for like a second and then it returns to normal. You can feel a little jolt in the wheel right when it happens. Like you are hitting a wall or something and then the FFB cuts for a second and then it comes back again. Catches you off guard every time. You do lose control of the car because you are not prepared for that sensation in your hands at all.
The new driver will also improve the CSL Pedal Load Cell Kit quite significantly with a new Firmware.
So yes, if you are in no hurry and you only want to update one time and not now and in a few days again... Then indeed I would wait a few more days.
I'm sorry I feel a little dumb here right now lol. Did you mean that I should update the driver from 439 to 440 ?
No, wait for a new driver soon.
Okey I understand. Thank you :)