Feedback and Support for the Fanatec App

Here everybody can give his feedback, ask questions and report issues.
Most recent version:
Download the Fanatec App for iOS or Android [BETA] and compatible PC Driver — Fanatec Forum
How to report issues:
Please only report issues here which are related to the Fanatec App to keep the topic clear with an good overview. Driver or FanaLab issues can get reported in their specific forum sections.
If you report an issue, please provide the following information:
- Are you using the Fanatec App with Android or iOS?
- Which mobile device do you use?
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- You can create driver log files on the settings page of the Fanatec Control Panel
Hi! I just downloaded the App and the 441 drivers and it seems everything works fines less just one thing, App only works in vertical, i turn the phone to horizontal position and it keep like nothing, and of course i dont have block horizontal rotation at the phone
Thanks! This new feature looks awesome
Rotates fine on my iPhone 11 Pro Max
For the tires, could you add an option to switch between temperature and pressure as I tune to pressure for the most part...
Ok I got why it didn’t turn yesterday. It only turns if I rotate the phone to the right (clock direction) if I turn it to the left it doesn’t rotate
The possibility of be able to create a personal ITM screen mixing the parameters I want together in the same screen would be pretty nice
Thanks for the feedback so far.
Noted that it rotates only to one side but not the other. We could now reproduce it on an iPhone, seems not an issue on Android, at least on mine.
We plan to add more of the good looking screens in the future and eventually also add customization.
Thank you very much for this valuable input. We already thought about customizable screens too, which is quite some development work to do. But if the overall feedback about the app is positive, we should have the commitment to invest more into such promising features :-)
Google play have 2 app displayed. Google play have 2 apps displayed.
Which is correct?
The second one from "Fanatec" with the round logo is correct and the most recent one.
(Feature Request) Will it be possible to have FFB chart in this APP? Like the graphics on DD1/DD2 display.
Not yet planed, but if it gets requested enough we might consider to take a look if it's possible. It would require the base to share this data which it is not doing yet, also the additional load on the communication then has to be kept in mind.
I also think it would be a neat feature.
I also would like to see a autoconnect to the last device and stay connected when the app is open feature. So you don't need to reconnect everytime you switch between ITM and the Tuning menu.
Thanks, we've put the FFB graph feature request on our list and will investigate.
If you the buttons in the bottom right to switch between ITM and Tuning Menu, you won't need to re-connect. If the buttons are currently not shown because they fade out on the ITM screens, then you need to press the screen for ~1 sec for them to re-appear.
But I agree that it should also quicker reconnect when you've completely left either ITM or the Tuning Menu. The last IP used is already listed, it should be easy to let the app immediately try this connection but we then need to implement the option to change the IP also if it auto-reconnected because maybe you want to disconnect to a different PC this time.
Great App. I was thinking about FanaLab missing this function a long time ago.
Custom dashboards/ITM screen is absolutely must have however. Not only the posobility to chose elements, but also to customize the look.
If turn hud mode off, the Waiting for data, text becomes mirrored and upside down.
iphone 11
OS 15.4.1
App version: v0.1.8+23
Ok, changed my mind. After long testing I never been able to work Fanalab + this simultaniosly. I.e., either you have revstrip working on your wheel, or this App. So, as I understand - Fanalab and this receive telemetry data separatedly. If this is indeed the case - why would I use this app intdead of SimHub (or other alternative)?
Why did you not include this app as FanaLab funclionality?
VERY reasonable points. We will look into that and will check which optimizations we can make possible. Please do not forget that this is still an alpha, or early beta. Therefore it would have been surprising if everything would work as expected + hand in hand with every other Fanatec software.
Of course Fanalab + Fanatec App should work flawless together as you, our customers, would expect. Please continue to let us know about your expectations.
THX a lot!
The HUD mode is meant for phone holders like this one where the display content is mirrored to be shown correctly on the reflective surface.
It also affects the text overlay because it's likely you view the screen like this at that time.
1% of users will be happy with that. 99% will be frustrated. I sense a theme.
Not sure what you mean the mode is switchable between displaying normally to look directly at the screen or enable HUD mode which inverts it for using a reflective surface like in the picture.
For me this was always working, also in another try I did now. I've also asked our internal testers which didn't come across this issue yet.
Could you go into detail which hardware, mode ,settings and game you've used and how did set it up in FanaLab ( Did you use the two green buttons on the game profile page?) or what you've already tried to fix it? Maybe we find a way to reproduce it which then helps to fix it in the situation you are having it.
I want it to be compatible with Gran Turismo (PS5)
If this upgrade was possible, it would be great for the fanatec community!
For GT7 and ACC :D
Console compatibility for game telemetry (ITM) is on our wish-list. Some telemetry apps support console games already so generally it's possible, so we have to see how and with which games we can make it happen.
Does this app work with the latest driver 442? Can it be retrofitted for it?
Yeah I was really enjoying the app and the new 442 anyway to get 443 with the app?
+1 for a force feedback display graph, very useful for dialling in FFB strength and detect clipping
In fact could the ability to dynamically dial in FFB based on clipping be added so its like the AC app FFBCLIP, set a target "strength" and have the app come as close as it can without clipping?
am straight from 440 to 442.
Do I now have to downgrade to 441 with the tray app or can it be installed differently?
Greetings René
Is there an update 442 driver?
Hi there! The Fanatec App can't find my device, although I'm in the same wireless network. The Fanatec Control Panel does not show up in my tray, so I can't rightclick it to show my IP, so I used cmd -> ipconfig. I tried typing in my IPv4 and IPv6 adresses, nothing works. No compatible devices found. Tried it over the last couple of weeks.
When i type in my IPv4 or IPv6 adress, it tries to connect, after some seconds it says:"Server is not availible. Please try again with a different IP adress."
I hope there's a fix to this problem, because I'd really like to use the apps ITM. Thanks for you support ✌️
It only works with Driver 441 + Alpha Tray app.
I hope they're going to release an update of the software soon because I found the app very useful.