GT7 not recognizing any controllers

in Gran Turismo
I have the Gran Turismo DD Pro Wheel Base, the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5, and ClubSport Pedals V3 (connected to the wheelbase). When it is connected to PS5 and the blue LED is on the DD power button, it does not register any controller in settings inside GT7. It is like the wheelbase does not exist in PS5.
You need to press the PS button to assign the base to your PSN, you did that?
The DD pr quick guide that is included does not say anything about PS button and assigning to PSN. I have a hard time finding any manual on the Fanatec site also. If you mean the Gt7 steering wheel, I do not have that. What does the manual say if you are using the PS5 controller?
You can not use a Playstation Controller.
You HAVE TO press the Playstation button on your steering wheel, otherwise the base wont be recognized by the Playstation. According to the manual of your steering wheel that would be the middle button of the bottom three.
As I mentioned in the first post, I have the ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5, not the GT playstation wheel. No Playstation button on that wheel. So what you say, maybe, the DD pro is not compatible without the GT playstation wheel?
As mentioned in my previous reply:
According to the manual of your steering wheel (a Formula v2.5) that would be the middle button of the bottom three. That IS the Playstation button for that wheel. You have to press it, assign the controller to your PSN and then everything will work.
Thanks I'll try that