Fanalab F1 22 Support?

in F1 20xx
Does anyone know when Fanalab will be updated with F1 22 support? The game has been out for a while now and we still don't have a profile for the game, so things like custom LED profiles aren't yet supported. Get crackin' Fanatec, and finish up the QR2 already, the QR1 is quite pitiful compared to other manufacturers!
It was updated last week.
Ah, only the unofficial Beta versions for now I guess.
I updated to the new Beta version 1.65, but how come F1 22 still isn't listed in the Game Profile tab?
You need to click on the "eye" Icon on the top right if the Main tab to let Fanalab scan for possible newly installed games.
Btw, FanaLab 1.65 is not Beta ;)
No, but the driver that needs to be installed in order to use it certainly is.
Scott, for those of us who don't wish to be beta testers, would you be so kind as to post the recommended settings here once you get things set up for yourself?
Recommended settings for F1 22 in Fanalab are the same as for F1 2019-2021 (for now).
Also yes, Driver 443 is Beta at this exact Moment BUT as there are no major issues reported it looks like that exact driver is going out of beta and become the next official driver very soon so then the exact same driver would also no longer be Beta ;)
...and pretty much everyone has indicated that those settings feel terrible with 22. I guess the best we can do, until Fanatec finally decide to get around to it, is to try some of the settings other users have posted here:
Therefore I wrote "(for now)".
you need install driver 443. then is it listed in game profile. But then i can't see the imported profiles. What do i wrong?
I just installed the latest Fanalab with driver 447 but the rev lights don't sync with the in game lights (all leds flash constantly red most of the time) - do you know what this could be?
Also, general question regarding Fanalab - if I load a game with a specific tuning profile, does this profile take precedence over what I set in the driver? For example, I have F1 22 as SET 1 in the driver and wheel, but I load AM2 via Fanalab, will the game use the selected profile from Fanalab? If so, what happens if I want to increase the FFB on the fly on my wheel? Will any adjustment on the wheel lead to the tuning settings from the driver being loaded with an adjustment?
Disregard, figured both out, thanks
any update on this? Fanalab 1.66 is not picking up F1 22 installed on Origin. Anyone managed to solve this?
For Origin you need to manual select the exe file via the Windows Icon in the game picture on the Main Tab.
thanks for your help Maurice, I realised that Fanalab was not picking up the new update (1.66) and was stuck in 1.63.6 so I had to uninstall and reinstall 1.66! All the best.