podium dd2 wheelbase desk clamp or what?
Hello all, I'm getting too old and now I need some help/advice, please...I have a Clubsport v2.5 attached to my PC desk with the clamp it came with...I would like to purchase either the podium DD1 or the DD2 wheelbase, so, what or how would I clamp either DD1 or DD2 to my PC desk? I can only find a clamp made for rigs/cockpits. I don't want a racing cockpit/rig I want it on my desktop at an angle the same as my Clubsport v2.5!
Can someone help an ageing sim racer, please....What do I need to purchase to do this? Thank you, Steve
Bad idea unless you have a very strong unbreakable desk and you can bolt the base permanently. I don't think there are any desk clamps that would survive forces that DD2/DD1 generates. If you need a desk clamp I'd rather buy CSL DD, but even with this you will need a good quality desk. I tried CLS DD 8nm with a clamp on Ikea desk and it didn't work well. The entire desk was shacking and wobbling. I ended up buying a wheel stand.
As long your desk is sturdy enough, it is possible.
My "solution" is
I've bolted my desk into the studs in the wall behind it. It's sturdier than many rigs. Then I used a Moza R9 Table Clamp to clamp my DD 8Nm onto it. I can't imagine it not being sturdy enough for 20Nm. It's a perfect fit as well.
@Hugo Vranic:
I was also thinking about the Moza clamp, but it has two mounting screws left and right. I had some doubts that they could get in conflict with my knees at least when I sit down or stand up from the seat. The Fanatec clamp has both screws in a row in the middle...
They are 2-3 cm above my knees. But the clamps can also be mounted upside down. Or simply replaced with other clamps. It's very modular and extremely sturdy. I mount it on a desk with a quite slippery finish - it's easily tightened to be rock solid.
Also, since it doesn't stick out in front of your desk, you don't need to hold the wheel base with one hand while sliding or moving it. The weight is on the desk, not outside of it. Just tighten the clamps - done!
It's so good that I'll buy my next wheel base depending on if it's compatible with this clamp. Although I believe that most of them, if not all, can be mounted with a simple adapter.
It's baffling to me that Fanatec doesn't offer something as simple but good as this.
Thank you all for the info...My PC Desk is not a cheap thing and is very sturdy, my son who weighed in at 16 stones has walked and jumped on this desk and it didn't move at all
I have looked here: https://www.simfai-solutions.com/product-page/moza-racing-r9-table-clamp
Is this the same bolting pattern that will fit the podium DD1 or the DD2 wheelbase?
Where would I find 20mm aluminium profile adapter plate? I can bolt that straight to my desk, If you can help, please! :)
Here is some bad news for me anyway The SimXPro Mounting Brackets, now they have stopped shipping to the UK :(
SimXPro mounting brackets (https://www.simxpro.shop/home/SimXPro%C2%AE-DD-Sidemount-p212746982)
Hi I ordered these brackets instead, not the same angle as the Clubsport v2.5 wheelbase but it's OK, I intend to bolt them to a steel plate and have one underneath as well :)
hello, your installation is really great I think, could I ask you where did you find the long aluminum plate that you added? I tried to find one, but couldn't find one, thank you very much :)