Hello, for PS5 and update 1.8 what settings would be correct for GT DD PRO 8Nm and what Led? blue or purple? The feeling of the steering wheel has changed a lot with 1.8
Hello, for PS5 and update 1.8 what settings would be correct for GT DD PRO 8Nm and what Led? blue or purple? The feeling of the steering wheel has changed a lot with 1.8
I used some old recommended Fanatec ps4 settings and that was alright. Would love to hear from someone with more experience than me running 1.8 on ps5 as well! Thanks!
@Fanatec: please give some offical setting proposals. 1.8 PS5 version deserve its own section now 🏁
I have DD Pro 8nm and had pretty severe wheel oscillation issue if letting go of the wheel with PS5 and v1.8. It would start going left and right quite violently even in slow speeds. I tried removing game and all save data and reinstalling it but it had no effect so made some testing and here's my settings though they aren't perfect by any means, but oscillation is under control and can feel forces from wheels quite nicely.
I'm still in progress of testing but currently I race with these settings:
It's a combination of recommended setting for PS and PC. I don't like fighting with the car, so it's lighter to steer but still with information provided. I'm quite new in ACC, so I'll appreciate any comments and help with tuning these settings.
Other big topic in ACC is setting the correct POV to have right "in car" feeling and be able hit the apex. I spent a lot of time with correct view settings.
You could raise FF from 75 to 100 and lower Gain from 65 to 45-50.
You would get the same strength as FFB but greater detail of the higher forces without clipping.
I'll try. Thanks!
Drove 2-3 hours to find a good Setup...
GT DD Pro Bundle with Boostkit 8nm on PS5
Tested with Jaguar Emil Frey G3 on Misano World Circuit (Italy) ABS 4/11 TRC6/10 Laptime 1.37
Driver 447 / Base in compatibility mode
NDP 60 is pure madness. It kills FFB. DD is direct, has no mechanical brakes, oscillations are in its nature, 8 Nm are by no means uncontrollable. You just have to keep your hands on the wheel, exactly like real GT3 drivers do. If you can't keep it, turn down the gain in the game.
If you use NDP 60, it all comes down to turning the steering wheel. If the curve is to the right, rotate to the right, if the curve is to the left, rotate to the left. Driving is another thing, it's feeling the track, the asphalt. You won't feel it with NDP 60. Keep your hands on the wheel.
I'm having so violent oscillation while driving straight line in slow speeds that it's not by any way normal. Using high NDP and lowering FOR and FEI is only way if not optimal. In real car if you let go of steering wheel it will straighten itself out. High NDP doesn't completely kill FFB either, but like I said it is not optimal and gotta work with what we have.
Also console version is missing Damper setting, we just have Dynamic Damping.
Checking this video from dev gives better picture of how it should behave:
I currently use following settings.
GT DD Pro with Boostkit 8nm on PS5
Also did check, blue vs. purple mode, I found BLUE mode mode feeling more detailes and alive.
Maybe 1.8 Version can work with the DD Pro now, but they dont tell us ?
Driver 447 / Base in BLUE mode
I forgot to say which mode I used and it is indeed blue mode.
Oh sorry, my fault. it has to be NDP 6 NOT 60 😝
DD Pro 8nm + Mclaren GT3 Wheel on PS5
Driver 447 / Base in BLUE (PS5) mode
Do the knobs for ABS and TRS work with ACC on this McLaren steering wheel ?
how did you config that?
MPS: encoder, pulse, constant brings me just „two times clockwise“ in the Game.
base is GT DD Pro. All Updates done.
Same problem here. Can’t quite get the two encoders to program. Hopefully a Fanatec rep, or savy fellow racer can help us out
I don't have the McLaren GT3 wheel but on my Formula V2.5x I set the MPS on pulse.
In the assignment button screen I had to turn twice the switch for it to be detected successfully and being registered.
I mean: you go to TC increase for example, press the button to activate the assignment then turn one position the won't register...turn it a second time and it register.
At least this had worked for me since day one with the Formula wheel and ACC, previously with the CSL Elite wheelbase (Ps4 and PS5) and after on the DD Pro. and PS5.
Please note that this is giving you the increment + or -, not related to the real position of the switch; meaning that if your switch is in position 8 and your current TC level is 4 when you start the session then when you move to 9 to increase +1 it will set your TC on 5 of course.
I don't care because there is no chance I could read the tiny numbers! I put the switch in mid position and I'm fine.
Didn't bother to test with Series X because of limited support...maybe with the next Motorsport game.
Actually, it should be possible to match the numbers to controllers. That's exactly what the steering wheel is designed for. And the game can assign a separate controller for each number.
Too bad there is „no support“ for such simple things.
Yes you can do that, I’ve changed this in my setup after the 1.8 upgrade on PS5.
I am on PS5, DD Pro and Formula V2.5x wheel.
In the wheel menu set the MPS function to CONST and exit the tuning menu.
Before going into ACC’s controller option menu, switch the left MPS in the lowest position (TC), go to button bindings and scroll down to the TC individual level button assignment.
Ignore 0, go to TC to 1, press your confirmation button to activate the button input and turn the MPS clockwise to the position 1.
Input will be registered, go on up to 12, forget about the 0 position.
Now go back into the game, don’t worry about what’s the current TC level versus your actual MPS position: turn it clockwise and the alignment is done.
I have the gt3 v2 wheel and my switch’s work I used to be able to adjust abs and traction control with it being on auto. But other day stopped working. So I have to switch it to constant and set each TC and ABS number to the corresponding number on switch. I also just updated to ps5 was on ps4 before I not sure if that had anything to do with it. But I still love my gt3 wheel. Way better then that gt7 wheel that came with the dd pro bundles
I have the same straight-line oscillation problem as Jarno has, perkele. The only way I have found to mitigate this is to turn NIN all the way up to 100 but I don't like how the car feels after that. So basically I just keep my hands on the wheel and don't let go. Maybe the in-game Damper setting would help if it were available on the Playstation version?
For some reason I had really bad oscillation yesterday just trying to drive out of the pits. What fixed that for me was changing SEN from AUTO to match the in game steer lock setting for the car I was using. These are my current settings.
SEN - match to in game steer lock setting
FFB 100
NDP 10
NIN off
INT off
FEI 100
FOR 100
DPR 50
(BRF 85)
In Game
Gain 55
Min Force 0
Dynamic Damping 100
Road Effects 10
Steer Lock car dependant