WRC Generations and the Fanatec Handbrake

I can't get the WRC game to recognize the handbrake when I try to assign it in the controls. The handbrake is definitely working in every other game. It is recognized in the Fanatec control panel as well. I tried in pc mode and pc compatibility mode.
I'm using a Podium F1 DD1 wheelbase on PC (Steam). I have the handbrake connected through the Clubsport V3 pedals.
Any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks
Yeah same issue. Really annoying as it's such a critical part of rally games.
I have the exact same set up as above and have tried the same thing as above. Working fine in all the other games. Really disappointing considering it's been out a few months and has Fanatec loading widgets throughout....
Try to create a new preset in the game after cycling the base between modes. This helped me assign it
okay nice idea, I'll have a go tonight. Thank you!
Le jeu ne reconnaît pas mon pédalier fanatec relier a mon dd1. Il ne reconnaît pas non plus mon frein à main fanatec.