Fanatec Driver 450 (Prev. Official Release) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)



  • Thats great for you, im missing alot of detail. I know what im talking about i participate in the sro eu sprint and the sro igtc. I know exactly what i am missing in feel, i have tried every settings there is available. tried my 1.8 settings at first, and then changed them for 1.9, even then there is a clear lack of tyre feel going into corners, mid corner and corner exit. What settings are you using then that it feels amazing for you?

  • I use the settings included in my FanaLab profile pack.

    A driver can not magically get FFB data which the game simply does not transfer. So there will not be any new driver update in this regard. You should raise your voice in the Kunos Forums.

  • Thats the thing, ACC does transfer those data, many many pro drivers have complaints about their fanatec and vrs wheelbases having almost no ffb, its mainly the DD1 and CSL DD that have issues. doesnt matter which ffb profile you load. Every simucube driver does not have these issues.

  • Firstly, have you tried deleting the AC2 folder in appdata? Second, ACC doesn't and never has transmitted rear tire info (other than some haptic effects) through the FFB. I would also try and reinstall the game if you haven't already.

  • yep done both, also have downgraded fanatec drivers, reset every possible settings, tried multiple different profile settings, still nothing. According to Kunos, Aris in this case. Is that they havent changed their data. its the drivers that dictate how those parameters are being send through the wheel and what you will end up feeling in the end

  • edited April 2023

    Have a look at the official v1.9 document and dont simply rely on Aris. He is a great guy and certainly knows a lot about physics but maybe he is not the best guy to trust when it comes to FFB stuff as he uses very bad FFB settings with which he gets clipping in literally every corner...... That's not good...😅

    Kunos explains all the Physics changes in detail in the official 1.9 document and also mention that this has a direct impact on the FFB.

    It's up to Kunos exclusively to change anything related to FFB. It's not up to wheel manufacturers to fix something which a game update broke. And as you can read the changes affect all wheel manufacturers, not just Fanatec. So if at all then Kunos needs to adapt the Physics again to change the FFB.

    There definitely wont be a new driver which can fix anything related to this, because, as I said, a driver can not magically give you Details which the game does not output and it seems the game does not output some Details with the latest Patch around the center for some. I cant confirm this, FFB is perfect for me, but it seems to affect at least some users, but not just Fanatec. So clearly a game "issue", not a driver thing.

  • IDK why you bring up Aris' FFB clipping as some "gotcha" when he does this on purpose for testing and just can't be bothered to change it when he's not testing. He knows it's clipping.

  • I adjusted the ingame settings according to the readme files. Also max force and wheel force or every individual car but i think that someting is wrong, because the strength to turn or just hold the wheel straight is extremly high.

    Also I have very high oscillations with this settings, for example if I drive straight and dont hold the wheel. It gets out of control, even if I brake its still turning like crazy.

  • edited April 2023

    Yeah then something is not working properly or is even broken on your unit.

  • It really is amusing that the Fanatec employees only address certain posts. I'd be embarrassed by the inconsistency of these products but maybe that's why they only address certain posts.

    I just ordered the VRS Direct Drive and I'm excited for the new adventure. I can't wait to get the DD1 back (can't wait for them to tell me how much I have to pay for shipping) and display it as "not working after diver update 450". Now I just have to find a person to buy all these useless Fanatec wheels I have.

    Thoroughly disappointed,

    Former Fanatec Customer

  • I'm on a DD2 and my ffb is perfect since the update. Much more dynamic and feels like a real car (though this is more down to the Kunos physics update), where understeer gives less detail as you'd expect.

    I think those saying they've less detail in the ffb have never driven a car on track irl, and assume the ffb in 1.8 had it right. Whilst it was good, overdriving the front was over communicated to the wheel. Again, a physics issue.

    The 1.9 update has everything feeling more like a car.

  • DD1 here, since 2020. Always updated to the latest firmware and driver, never had an issue.

    I can't say it's perfect just because ACC doesn't have, or will ever have a perfect FFB, but it is noticeble better. The wheel has more weight and feeling. I use Maurice profiles since the begin and had to take 10% more or less, on the FFB strength per car. Just personal preference. They are on the right path, thats for sure.

  • There is a bug in the 450 firmware for the GT-DD Pro 8nm.


    When I upgraded both the Drivers and Firmware to 450, the Shifter Seq 1.5 H-Pattern wouldn't calibrate.

    Under H-pattern it is permanently stuck in R, but the SEQ mode usually works perfectly.


    Downgraded the drivers to 447 and the problem persisted.

    Downgraded the firmware of the motor and the problem persisted.

    Downgraded the firmware of the wheelbase and the problem was fixed.



    GT-DD Pro 8mn

    Clubsport Shifted SEQ 1.5 (attached via base)

    Clubsport Handbrake 1.5 (attached via base)

    CSL LoadCell (attached via base)


    (Setup that is working)



    (Setup that is working, partial rollback from 450)

    Wheelbase Motor

    Wheel Base:


    I cannot be bothered upgrading again to reproduce the problem/provide the zips. Got to leave some of the QA work for the Fanatec staff 😋

  • edited May 2023

    This is NO issue which would leave some of the QA work for the Fanatec staff.

    The issue is that you simply use the wrong Shifter Port on the back of the Base.

    Have a look in the Quick Guide or the Manual where you will see that H-Pattern is ONLY supposed to be working in Shifter Port1 and you use Shifter Port2 which is for Sequential Mode ONLY.

    So just plug the Shifter into the correct Port and everything will be fixed :)

  • I'm having the same issue since updating my drivers.

    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSW 2.5
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): BMW GT2 (Gen 1) + Formula Carbon. Happens on both wheels
    • Driver Version: 450
    • Base FW Version: 692
    • Motor FW Version: 22

  • edited May 2023

    For now it looks like this could be a hardware issue of a very few affected legacy steering wheels or some very few affected wheel bases.

    Still could not be reproduced by several testers internally with dozens of different tried wheels and bases, so its not a general firmware issue for sure but something special on a very few specific devices...

  • Well, it started happening to both my wheels at the same time and right after I installed the latest firmware. What would you recommend? Cause brake bias is essentially unusable for me (it's bound to the funky switch)

  • I would recommend to go back to driver 447 with the old firmware.

    The new Firmware in 450 is not really needed for your gear as it brings no benefit anyway.

  • I had to downgrade my firmware to 691 (after downgrading the driver to 447) and now it's back to normal, thanks

  • Dale GreenDale Green Member
    edited May 2023

    How much longer until the FFB jolt/spike issue is fixed (on DD2 in my case)? I like almost everything else about the DD2 base but I'm getting a bit annoyed of being afraid of the wheel jumping and catching my thumb again... this is happening approximately once every 5 sessions with the wheel.

  • Yesterday i had an update for the base of my dd pro. Version

    does some one nows what has changed?

    i feel the ffb is weaker

  • edited May 2023

    Updates dont appear suddenly, the update is shown the moment you have updated the driver.

    For Changelog have a look at the first post or in the Changelog of the Firmware Manager ;)

  • The Same issue since forever.

    I recently Sold my DD2 after waiting for issues like this to be addressed and patiently waiting 2 years for the mythical QR2.

    Good bye to Fanatec !! Terrible business model to tease fixes and new products but not release them.

  • It was plugged into Shifter Port 1. I don't have anything plugged into Shifter port 2.

    It worked before the upgrade on 447.

    It stopped working on 450.

    It started working again, after downgrading the firmware to 447.

    Downgrading fixed the issue, so evidence suggests there is a problem with the firmware.

  • Same wheelbase with Shifter and i have no problem with driver 450.

  • Hello there!

    I am currently facing some kind of a problem with my dd1 wheelbase. To be more specific, I do not think that is a driver related problem but when it's powered off, after maybe 10-30 minutes it starts making a strange sound, the sound does not come from the wheelbase itself but from the power supply (the one with the green light on). At first I just powered on the base and then powered it off again and it stopped for 10-30 minutes and then it did it I just unplugged the power supply (the cable from the power supply) after my use of the wheelbase. I did this just 2 times this 2 days but I read in some forum that Maurice said that this can only cause damages to the base so I stopped doing it. Is this noise something I need to worry about?? Maybe I should contact the support to change my power supply?? And most importantly, can this noise cause any problems to the wheelbase or generally in the fanatec system?? I would like an answer if possible!

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Panos K.

  • Lewis StoneLewis Stone Member
    edited May 2023

    Updated to 450 and my funky switch no longer functions correctly.

    I have a dd1 and a clubsport formula carbon wheel.

    When I turn it either 1 click left or right it no longer registers as 1 click. It randomly jumps to whatever.


    Old firmware I could adjust my re-fuel amount 1L each turn (1 click), now it just randomly adjusts anything from +8L or +22L each turn (1 click).

    Another example, I was driving and tried to use my funky switch to adjust my force feedback +1 and it instead adjusted it +12 and the oscillations from hitting a bump almost sent me to the moon.

    Exact same issue as Dmytro Yaroshenko

  • I have the same issue as someone else in this thread.

    Everything works fine btw, so i could just drive around like this.

    But i cant seem to upgrade wheel base motor and steering wheel.

    In the beginning of the upgrade it would just freeze like many other people are mentioning, but suddely it installed the wheel base firmware.

    Now im pretty stuck here, it just stays stuck and then a little box pops up when i try to update firmware " Power off wheel"

    Does anyone know a fix to this?

    If i need to downgrade to the previous firmware and driver, where can i find the correct version to download, cant find it on the site?

    And do i need to do anything special to just install the old driver?

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