McLaren GT3 on Gran Turismo 7?

I mostly play Gran Turismo on PS4. I'm considering buying the DD Pro 8Nm bundle with the extra load cell pedal. This all comes in at 969 pounds or so. But, for 1,100 pounds I could buy separately the 8Nm wheel base, and then get better pedals and a better wheel.
I've read some stuff about McLaren GT3 wheel, and some things about using it with Gran Turismo 7. If anyone here uses it, could you give some advice about whether it's worth getting if I want to play GT7? I'm wondering if the buttons are functional, easy to flip between menus mid-race, etc.
Thanks in advance!
I've got the McLaren wheel, it's all I use for GT7 & ACC. For GT7 the toggle switches work the MFD, left one cycles through the hud and the right one makes changes. The rotary encoders aren't supported by the game unfortunately. You can also use the analogue paddles on the wheel to look left/right.
Thank you Stephen, this is helpful. For gears - is it still left paddle down, right paddle up? I've seen some saying right paddle controls both down and up through pushing and pulling, but I'd prefer to not relearn my gear changing technique!
Yes, left paddle down & right up. You can push on either side but I never used them that way (I've now got SimMakerz paddles fitted on the wheel).