Fanatec Clubsport Formula 2.5X - XBox Series X - Problems with the button assignment

in F1 20xx
Hi all, I have a problem with F1 2022 on the XBox Series X. The game does not recognize the LT, RT, LSB and RSB buttons. As soon as I want to assigne these buttons in the menu, it shows me the symbol for gas, brake, gear up and gear down. I have also tested it on other games (Forza Horizon 5) and I have the same problem there. It looks as if these buttons are permanently assigned. Does anyone know a solution for this?
There is no solution to fix this, it's unfortunately a limitation of the Xbox platform.
Wasn’t there talk last year about MS opening up to allow mapping of above mentioned buttons as well as dials? Any news?
There was talk, yes. Which is all that ever seems to happen regarding this topic.
If any *actual* progress has been made, I've certainly not heard of it.