F1 23 (PlayStation) - Fanatec Recommended Settings

Dominic BrennanDominic Brennan Member, Administrator
edited September 2023 in F1 20xx

General Notes:

  • The settings below are considered to be reasonable baseline values for F1 23 (PlayStation). They might not suit all tastes and driving styles, but they are a good starting point.
  • In order to apply the suggested settings correctly, it is important to assign both the Tuning Menu values AND the suggested In-Game settings together.
  • These settings assume you have updated all firmware from the latest Fanatec Driver package (available on the front page of the Fanatec website).
  • If you cannot access all the settings shown below, you are probably in the Standard Tuning Menu. To switch to the Advanced Tuning Menu, first enter the menu (short-press the Tuning button once), then press and hold the Tuning button for about four seconds.
  • You may see additional Tuning Menu settings depending on your connected devices. These additional settings are not relevant to force feedback, and are not listed here.
  • The settings for the Gran Turismo DD Pro are suitable for 5 Nm and 8 Nm (Boost Kit 180).
  • The settings for the Podium Wheel Bases assume you are in High Torque Mode. In Low Torque Mode, the same settings can be used, but with a higher FF value.

Gran Turismo DD Pro

Tuning Menu Settings:

  • SEN Auto
  • FF 100
  • FFS Peak
  • NDP 30
  • NFR Off
  • NIN Off
  • INT 3
  • FEI 100
  • FOR 100
  • SPR 100
  • DPR 100

In-Game Settings:

  • Vibration and Force Feedback: On
  • Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 65
  • On Track Effects: 30
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 40
  • Off Track Effects 30
  • Wheel Damper: 3
  • Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
  • Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900

Podium Racing Wheel F1

  • SEN Auto
  • FF 45
  • FFS Peak
  • NDP 20
  • NFR Off
  • NIN Off
  • INT 3
  • FEI 100
  • FOR 100
  • SPR 100
  • DPR 100

In-Game Settings:

  • Vibration and Force Feedback: On
  • Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 45
  • On Track Effects: 30
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 40
  • Off Track Effects 30
  • Wheel Damper: 3
  • Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
  • Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900

CSL Elite Wheel Base +

  • SEN Auto
  • FF 100
  • DRI -02
  • FOR 100
  • SPR 100
  • DPR 100
  • FEI 60

In-Game Settings:

  • Vibration and Force Feedback: On
  • Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 65
  • On Track Effects: 30
  • Rumble Strip Effects: 40
  • Off Track Effects 30
  • Wheel Damper: 3
  • Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
  • Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900


  • Hi Dominic, thanks for providing this baseline. What is your view on the FF strength settings for wheel and in-game: Should the wheel always be greater-equal than the in-game setting for force-feedback strength? I ask this because in most other recommendations the in-game setting is higher than the weel setting. In my understanding this makes no sense because it could overload/clip the wheel. What do you think?

  • Hi friends!!! Thanks for the settings!!

    But are some of you guys, with FFB problem after starting a race??

    In all races, as I play 50% races, after some laps or after pitting or after/during SC, My podium F1 for PS is losing all track/curbs feedback, as the game looks all clean, without track/curbs sensation from my wheel.

    Is this something that can be solved by a Fanatec update or F1 game update??

    Please help us and try to solve it together with EA Sports... Its a really bad and cathastrophic thing for players like me, that compete in championships, to loose these type of informatino from the base/wheell during a race.

    Count on you guys from Fanatec to hel us out with this problem.

  • There was a big game update released today, there were some FFB issues that were supposed to have been addressed, perhaps that will solve your problems.

  • Hola Fanapeople!

    la configuración del volante Podio F1 me sirve para el volante Club Sport F1 V2.5 X? Teniendo en cuenta que utilizó como plataforma PS5 y el juego F1 2023

  • From googling far too much it seems like many people are waiting for a Clubsport DD+ recommendation (after all, Fanatec are now selling this base as an F1 package now too) for F1...

    I have tried adapting the GT DD Pro settings, but they just don't feel right - can we get some guidance?

  • edited March 2024

    Can we please have some recommended settings for the DD+ ? Or at least some suggestions for what to base our settings on until you publish official recommended settings. This product has been in the wild for some time now. This is not an unreasonable expectation, particularly for those of us who have purchased the DD+ F1 Racing Wheel.

  • so far with my CSDD+ and Racing wheel F1 I use the GT DD Pro settings with a lower FFB (65), it seems to work fine

  • Thanks Serge. I have being using a similar approach. Had to turn it down to 55 however! That sustained torque is very impressive. I need to get into the gym.

    @Dominic Brennan - we are patiently waiting for you to provide some recommended settings. We are all aware of the chaos going on with Fanatec management right now (and many of us sympathize with Fanatec staff during this time) but please can you give this attention? Or at least help us to understand why settings aren't available? Are you waiting for the implementation of FullForce perhaps?

    On the question of FullForce, does anyone know if F1 23 will add FullForce? And will F1 24 launch with FullForce implemented?

  • I'd assume that F1 24 will launch with it.

    I hope so at least!

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