PS5 difference to PC???

I play on both ps5 and pc and I was wondering if there’s a difference between the two and if there’s anything I can do about it. I use the same settings on both and I like playing on pc much much more but my wheel when I turn on the pc is night n day compared to the ps5. The ps5 I can feel the grip n really turn in on corners and I feel more in control. On the PC however it seems to not have that same effect. Even looking on the wheels moving when I’m driving I notice a huge difference and it’s like I’m struggling to turn. It’s not an absurd amount but enough to where I’m losing time. Is there any other setting I can change not only in game but maybe in the fanatec app itself where I can maybe get more of that grip so the car turns better?



  • What wheel base? What game? What settings are you using in-game and in the Fanatec tuning menu?

  • @Hugo Vranic (the game is for F1 23) I have the CSL DD pro 8nm with a club sport formula wheel V2.5X

    ill attach picture for my in game calibration settings and the fanatec settings. Most are set to what it was default. Both settings are the same on PC and PS5.

  • I would start by applying the Fanatec recommended settings both in-game and in the tuning menu, listed here:

    IMO, both your NDP and your INT settings are way too high, and are likely masking a lot of detail that you'd otherwise be feeling.

  • The settings have helped a bit, but what I’m currently experiencing between the two is the turning of the cars wheels in game. Ps5 feels fine but on pc it feels like the wheels don’t turn in as much no matter what setting I switch around. It’s so frustrating and odd to me I’m trying to think of everything to fix this problem. I need something that would help turn the tires more when I’m braking to turn. Hope that makes sense.

  • edited July 2023

    Try using SEN=360, or, if it not work, SEN=900, or again increase or decrease the value until the rotation of the wheel is equal to that of the game.

  • Ok so in the actual fanatec wheel base settings? Bc I was messing with the actual maximum wheel rotation setting in game settings under the vibration and force feedback. I think at this point from everything that I’ve tried this is my only options for it to work. I just don’t understand why it would make such a big difference from pc to ps5.. strange.

  • SEN value on the wheel, if set to a number and not auto, should match the wheel max rotation value that you set in-game.

    If you're finding it difficult to quickly turn, try lowering it a bit from 360 to maybe 340 or so.

  • ok I’ll give that a shot.. but the settings from the ps5 and pc are exactly the same and when I turn the car on the ps5 it feels like the grip has so much more grip n the cars wheels feel like they really turn in. But when I jump on the pc it feels like the wheel don’t seem to really turn at all and it’s a struggle. I’m not losing tons of time from it but when I jump back from ps5 to console it is definitely a noticeable difference. I’ve also had 3 of my friends try it out n they all notice the difference as well. Even if I don’t get it exactly like the ps5 I’m ok with it.. I jus need to have that feeling or grip when the car turn to be somewhat close. I do appreciate all of the suggestions. I’ve been on time trials all day trying to get it to respond like the ps5 f123 version.

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