TFT screen and QR2

Good morning friends,
I have been waiting for a long time for the arrival of a Formula type steering wheel with a TFT color screen. I would like to know if with the arrival of the long-awaited QR2, it will be possible for Fanatec to launch steering wheels with a TFT screen. To know whether to upgrade to the new QR2, or definitely sell the base.
Why should it be possible with the QR2?
The QR2 is just a different Adapter, nothing changed regarding electronics.
So the QR2 changes exactly nothing and does not bring any more feature possibility.
Also they already develop a Wheel with a big screen: the Podium Bentley GT3 wheel.
because he tell should i buy qr2 or just sell that and go to different brand who have already long time steering wheels with screens
For me he more asked about the technical possibility if it's possible for Fanatec to launch such a Wheel now with the release of the QR2...
And there the answer is no, because it was already possible before
Fanatec is little behind stuff like this, i really hope they todo something about this , other-way they act like toastmaster who is little late with they DD
Thank you very much for the answers, I thought they had changed something in the electronics, and it would be possible. Will the Bentley wheel work with an extra USB cable? It doesn't seem like a Fanatec type solution with everything integrated.
No, the Bentley wheel works without a USB cable needed. It just attaches to your Fanatec Base - wirelessly.
I would love to have a Formula steering wheel with a TFT screen similar to the Cube Controls. I thought Fanatec was finally going to launch something like this, at a better price. Honestly, between the problems of the QR1, and the absence of steering wheels with TFT, I am thinking of selling my DD Pro.
There is also the gap where there is not a GT yoke style wheel in the CS range. The McLaren CSL wheel is great for the price, and the M4 GT3 wheel is what it is, but the gulf between the two is huge.