Unable to install Fanatec drivers (Windows 11)

I've been trying for a few hours to install the fanatec driver on my brand new laptop. The installation always stop midway saying : There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected.

I tried many different ways to troubleshoot the problem but nothing does it. I'm running a brand new laptop with Windows 11 and running the 64 file as the computer works in 64 bit. I'm really annoyed because I had no problem installing Fanalab, but without the drivers I can't do anything.



  • Hey, i had the same problem. Somehow my Antivirus started to delete the fanatec driver (Fanalap, and normal driver). I had to make an expeption in my antivirus works fine now. Use windows 11 aswell.

  • Make sure you clear all Fanatec software using add remove and restart. Then follow the instructions for installing. You are not directly installing a driver you are running the Fanatec software install. This used to be a royal pain but now it’s pretty straight forward.

    Maybe before doing that you could try plugging into a different port. I have had issues with USB 3 ports. USB 2 is more reliable.

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