Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 3



  • Chris SimonisChris Simonis Member
    edited December 2023

    Consumer affairs one I expect to get the timeframe my order will be sent to me, I don't expect it to speed up any, I just want an accurate timeframe to expect it. It's summer holidays down here, I expected to have it before I went on leave, now I need to plan my leave activities around having to get this package at some point.

    ACCC I expect them to be fined and have their business practices improved.

    Simple fact is they feel like they don't need to respond to customers in any meaningful way. I don't think they get that luxury with government.

  • If this is the case then im cancelling my order and saying Fuk fanatec, if this werent just for myself I'd be even more livid... I feel for the PARENTS who spent a lot of money for the Holidays on their kids and they won't even receive the goods in time. It was handover to warehouse last week, I get no emails or anything in regards to updates for my order. No reason we should be getting treatment like this from a flagship company. I'd expect something like this from a company that was brand new and hosting a sale on BF or one that didn't advertise 4-7 day shipping. I hate this limbo

  • Hi James, another day without news from my order #1822746, in 2 days fanatec claim they will stop shipping for 3 weeks this is not fair with your customers with processed orders.

  • I am writing to express my concerns regarding the current shipping challenges faced by Fanatec. While I anticipated a longer wait for my order based on insights from a friend who has previously ordered from Fanatec, my primary source of discontent lies in the perceived lack of Customer Care throughout this process.

    My frustration doesn't stem from the delay itself; rather, it is rooted in the collective sentiment of numerous customers voicing their concerns without tangible resolutions. It is disheartening to witness a growing number of individuals, myself included, grappling with uncertainty and seeking answers in a void.

    I implore Fanatec to take proactive measures in addressing these concerns. A transparent and communicative approach would go a long way in alleviating the anxieties of your customers, myself included. We understand that challenges arise, but being kept in the loop fosters a sense of reassurance and understanding.

    @Fanatec, I kindly request that you prioritize providing clear and concise answers to the inquiries of your valued customers. By doing so, you not only enhance customer satisfaction but also demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability.

    Thank you for your attention to this matter. I believe that, with improved communication, Fanatec can maintain its reputation for quality products and exceptional customer service.

    Merry Christmas, Ya filthy animals!

  • They are sending out part orders I got one of my items both hade serial and tracking numbers other one is at label created.

  • There is hope just got confirmation on my order from the Nov 23rd!! 1823### so if you ordered a qr2 base side or a csl dd you might get yours soon to.

  • I see that FANATEC has launched a very winnable and conscientious lottery.

    They are offering a great product with a 1 in 250 chance of getting a response to your comment.

    By the way, has the ICT revolution arrived at fanatec yet?

  • Are you in the US Justin. I ordered different items but ordered the same day and our order numbers are really close. I have not heard anything about my order and at this point don’t think I will.

  • Order 1859XXX, ordered on 11/28 in the US. For a full setup, wheel, base, accessories, and pedals.

    Just got notification from FedEx of label creation for 8 packages!!! Still no sign of anything on the Fanatec site. No serial numbers showing up... No packages accepted by FedEx yet. Any sort of movement at this point gives me the will to keep waiting a little (I hope) longer!

  • Update!! We canceled our previous order yesterday, reorder the same thing minus the QR2 that was a pre order and added fedex overnight shipping. Received an email from FedEx earlier showing that it will be delivered tomorrow!!!

  • Ahh, come on Fanatec. Order 1845187 placed on 24 Nov here in the US. Already missed Christmas delivery. Would like to have my son use it before the end of winter break.

  • I have 1 item from Dec 2 that I'm waiting for that i paid full price of $399. 🤨 After getting my other new stuff i just had to get a set of pedals. After spending almost $2k during the black friday deals i already received my dd2, wheel and all the hubs,qr2. This lower price seems to be overlooked , i know they are busy but this is getting ridiculous.

  • Well I see more orders going out for people that ordered after I did. Being in Southern California today was really the last day something could go out and make it before Christmas. My order for all in stock product is now 4 weeks old.

    Wanted to give a big thank you to Fanatec for ruining what we planned on giving to my nephew for Christmas. Ordered in plenty of time to get it to us and you guys dropped the ball big time.

  • that is kind of ridiculous not from your perspective but from Fanatec's, I cant do same because my order went to "at warehouse" status in couple days so it technically speaking cant be cancelled and also I don't want to lose the black Friday discount because its about $100, at least you figured a way to save your holidays.

  • Expected date and the update on Fanatecs website will show tomorrow or when it hits the first FedEx location. Same happened with all of my orders.

  • Ugur ErenUgur Eren Member
    edited December 2023

  • Ugur ErenUgur Eren Member
    edited December 2023

    I ordered on 24.11 even didnt order something from the black friday deals, i paid the full price and it was in stock. Im living only 7 hours away from fanatec in germany and still waiting for my order.

    So disapointed.

  • How are you getting responses from them?

    I pre-ordered a DD+ on 20/10 availability still showing in my account as 12/12 and "in process". Aside from the "all" style emails, I've got nothing at all. I've sent emails, last night I tried to do the live chat, but that kept failing saying no rep was available.

    Obviously I want it as soon as I can get it, I put A$1650 into it, but if they'd just update me on where it's at, what the delay is I'd be happy.

    I used to work in a customer service industry, I would ALWAYS over quote to under supply.. I'd ring the customer at let them know that their (in my case) new car was about to be transported to the dealership, when in fact it was coming off the truck right in front of me. This meant that, two days later I could tell them it had arrived and I had exceeded the expectation I'd set. I had time to make sure nothing happened or needed to be done to the car. Happy customer.

    Fanatec, if it looks like the wheelbase is going to be here mid Jan, tell me end Jan.. That allows for issues to be solved in that buffer, or, when it does arrive mid Jan I'll be ecstatic! (I know this isnt the German way of doing things, but I also believed that the German way of doing things was to have your stuff together and on time.

    Communication people.. James I know you must be overwhelmed, but perhaps more posts in the blonot replying to a few people here and there would be a better outcome for all.

  • Apparently, money back is also a lottery. I'm curious to see if I can still win a ticket this year.

  • One thing I'd like to share is that when users post that they are getting their items, please post country (Europe, United States, Australia, etc). E believe they have a shipper to cover European orders that is separate from the US. I'm not sure where the Asia and Australia products ship from but I would think it would be the California, USA source as it is closer to them.

    I'm frustrated too, but one key sign that I think I picked up on is Fanatec uses UPS to ship European orders and FedEx for US orders. I'm not sure on the others and I could be wrong but looking at the shipping notification can tell you alot whether orders are skipping yours or if it's coming from another source outside of what is available to fulfill your order.

    A huge plus one on Jesse Robins' post a few up from this. I also wrote something similar and I would hope that those at Fanatec make every means possible as I'm sure they have families and should remember their actions are impacting many others in a negative light. I almost want to say extremely negative light as some may not have the funds to find gifts to give to kids for Christmas. Your failure to act and plan and to take honest responsible action is extremely dishonorable. I know there are those who took advantage of error and knew what they were doing when they placed orders that stacked the savings. But there are also many orders still pending that have nothing to do with that and keeping them in the dark for a month is a huge problem.

  • Fanatec should charge the card at the time of shipment to be more understood

  • Seeing all these people who ordered a month prior for their family christmas presents really breaks my heart, i also ordered the black friday deal but for myself. I never needed it per se by christmas or as a gift.

    However as a company not communicating at least twice a week about the situation and giving more clarity about the problems that had arisen during the black friday week such as the warehouse/order glitch with the 2.5x. Situations like those could've easily gotten communicated faster to at least ease the minds of some customers.

    However the lack of communication and the long response time on the customer response is bringing distrust and anxiety to not only your customers, but also to people who were considering getting into the fanatec eco-system. The pressure with only 200 employees must be intense and i think none of us can know what is going on behind the scenes.

    That's why transparency in situations like these are so important.

    I sincerely hope all will be resolved soon.

  • Hello guys. Yesterdey was delivered my order from 20.11. (180xxxx). CS DD, F1 2023 QR2 wheel + APM and V3 pedal BF set. Order went to copletely shiped 6.12. So I got it exactly 10 business days after that. No tracking number or serials on web pages 'till now though...

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hi Runtang, your second order is in progress as the availability of an item has been postponed to 29 December. However, we have forwarded your request on your other order.


  • @James hi James, any update on the 10% V2.5X discount voucher not working for anyone?

  • Order: 1869342.

    Still showing 4 items (of 7) out of stock, although all in stock at the time of ordering in early December, as per. Tried to cancel via PayPal 2 days ago, but this morning I have 3 tracking numbers (not 7) with a delivery date of the 28th. I am in the UK and do not want to pay import tax on a partial delivery that I no longer want. I have ordered Moza kit for my son in the meantime, arriving tomorrow - excellent service from OverClockers. Fanatec - please cancel this order!!!

  • it's unbelievable. Your order - don't receive your order. You cancel - don't receive your money. You receive voucher - it doesn't work. You contact customer service phone - they say go online. You go online - you get no answers.

    The continuous loop

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