Unacceptable communication

This lack of communication regarding shipping causing frustration to everyone waiting for an order. We are all wondering when we can expect to have these problems fixed, and are starting to feel like things will never resolve. Witch becomes even more frustrating when you spend a lot of money on a hobby.

I understand that it may be difficult to give exact timeframes when dealing with complex problems. However, I believe that the community deserves to be kept informed about the progress that is being made. Even if you cannot give us a specific date, you can at least let us know when we can expect to get our hardware sent to us. Is the problem a week away from being solved? Weeks? Months?


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited September 2023

    i to know you feeling, i had similar nightmare with other company recently.

    but remember they are company after all, you to get your product even if this waiting may drive you nut .

    they could use 3 party company for sell they product like moza todo but. those company's want money as-well, that means for you that price may increase allot

    i would better wait that from them than some empty jumper who want extra 200 eurs

  • Come ho già scritto in un'altro post, il problema principale non è il ritardo dell'ordine. Il problema è che dopo aver speso cifre non indifferenti (per le mie possibilità) non ci sia un'assistenza adeguata. Problemi ed imprevisti purtroppo possono capitare a tutti, la serietà e professionalità di un'azienda si vede da come vengono gestiti.

  • Ciao

    ti volevo chiedere aggiornamenti riguardo la tua spedizione visto che anche io avendo appena ricevuto conferma d ordine e segnalazione di possibili ritardi di consegna volevo sapere in quanto piu o meno me la sarei cavata.. grazie dell eventuale risposta

  • There is no defence for this. Customers have rights and if nothing is delivered in 30 days then what they are doing is illegal. Bootlickers are the reason they get away with it.

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