Shipment ready for UPS

Find this really confusing, what is the delay in UPS picking up my items. For context, i placed an order on 12th October. Shipping label was created on 20th October but only got tracking details around 7th November.

So my package has been stuck on "shipment ready for UPS" for best part of a whole month.

What causes this delay?

Is it due to items not being in stock? - that would be weird as when i placed the order everything was in stock.

is it down to export paperwork?

is it down to limited staff and not being able to fulfill orders promtly?

or is it poor communication with UPS? if the shipment is ready for UPS then why isn't it being picked up?

my mind boggles.


  • I couldn't tell you why - I'm just as perplexed by it as you are - but I'm in the same boat. I originally ordered in August, which was sent and Returned to Sender over September and October.

    It took 8 days for that shipment to get from 'Label Created/shipment ready for UPS' to 'On the Way/Origin Scan'.

    My replacement order (also created on 20th October) finally got to 'shipment ready for UPS' on the 6th November so today is the 8th day since then - I'm watching closely for activity in the next few days.

  • Liam GannonLiam Gannon Member
    edited November 2023

    yep watching mine closely too. got a feeling it will move this week but who knows for sure.

    The wait is killing me though, got the new WRC game installed and ready to play, but need my delivery of WRC wheel and shifter to arrive before i can properly play it as i've only got the Mclaren wheel and that's no good for Rally.

    Need to place another order soon too so i'll have this to go through again soon, but i'm going to wait to see what deals are happening in the black friday sale, hopefully they put the handbrake and booster kit at a good price reduction, maybe the F1 wheel too.

    Kinda feel they need to offer some good discounts this year, a goodwill gesture will go a long way. crazy for them to miss this opportunity to pay something back to their loyal customers.

  • Mine is the same but has been at this status with UPS since 16th Oct. Original order was 05th October. Still heard nothing but checking everyday.

    I didn’t realise posting a package was such a complicated process. 😳

  • Drawing a QR code with a crayon is hard work. How can an organization be so good at one thing and a miserable failure at another?

  • I'm in the same boat right now. Initially ordered on the 22nd of August, nothing got shipped until October...which then got returned to sender. A new order was created in late October and has not been stuck on Label Created since the 3rd of November. I've not heard anything from Fanatec and I'm starting to get a bit worried again. If they don't get our orders shipped before black friday then they're probably never going to turn up!

  • My order was actually shipped from fanatec within a week (UK) but I'll still probably never order from them again unless I can choose someone other than UPS.

    Yesterday: Out for delivery between 4-6pm... Never showed

    Today: Out for delivery between 7:50-9:50... claims delivery at 12:18 (nobody knocked, no missed your delivery note)

    Wont be delivered until Monday at best now meaning I have to change my plans for 3 workdays in a row...

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